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Yesterday02-22 03:48

rick343 liked group post: 参加了Godot的Game Jam 2024-08-28

rick343 made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 07.04 - 07.10(上) 2022-07-05

rick343 made a comment on an article: 关于近几年独立游戏的碎碎念 2021-08-10

rick343 made a comment on an article: 关于近几年独立游戏的碎碎念 2021-08-10

rick343 has upgraded to grade: 3 2021-04-02

rick343 followed: 柚子猫独立游戏 2020-09-09

rick343 made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 8.10-8.16(下) 2020-08-11

rick343 made a comment on an article: 本周 Steam 值得关注的游戏 3.23-3.29(下) 2020-03-25

rick343 saved article: 游戏艺术家 #7 2020-02-10

rick343 made a comment on an article: 游戏艺术家 #7 2020-02-06

rick343 posted new topic in group: 综合讨论组 - 如何防止玩家去使用最佳配置? 2017-07-04

rick343 commented 我下一步到底干个啥好呢 in group: Zerobeble 2017-03-04

rick343 commented 先声明一下 in group: Zerobeble 2017-03-02

rick343 joined group: Zerobeble 2017-02-16

rick343 saved article: 游戏世界设计(1/4) 2016-12-18

rick343 saved article: 像素课堂#1:什么是像素画 2016-12-16

rick343 saved article: Pxlook World:共建像素大市集 2016-12-16

rick343 made a comment on an article: 额外加分系列视频第一季第二辑(中配) 2016-09-17

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