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phoenix made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #39:游戏大减价 你入手了吗? 2017-01-20

phoenix achieved: Newcomer 2017-01-20

phoenix has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-01-20

phoenix made a comment on an article: 我们在游戏里享受极限 2017-01-20

phoenix made a comment on an article: The Witness:《神秘岛》之后的继承与超越 2017-01-20

phoenix made a comment on an article: Crashlands :它和《饥荒》真的一样? 2017-01-20

phoenix made a comment on a user game: 新生儿 2017-01-20

phoenix made a comment on an article: indienova picks: 是时候聊聊桌游了 #1 2017-01-20

phoenix made a comment on a user game: 去远方 2017-01-20

phoenix commented 游戏失败画面 in group: Ludum Dare 2017-01-20

phoenix commented 游戏失败画面 in group: Ludum Dare 2017-01-20

phoenix liked blog: GTA5! 2017-01-20

phoenix liked blog: GTA5! 2017-01-19

phoenix posted a blog: GTA5! 2017-01-19

phoenix made a comment on a user game: 行星:方舟 2017-01-10

phoenix followed: Laneing 2017-01-10

phoenix followed: 风过 2017-01-10

phoenix followed: ROY 2017-01-10

phoenix followed: KJTang 2017-01-10

phoenix followed: ayame9joe 2017-01-10

phoenix followed: 疯王子 2017-01-10

phoenix upgraded your membership 2017-01-10

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