容书仁 achieved: Newcomer 2017-05-31

容书仁 has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-05-31

容书仁 posted a blog: The Fidelio Incident 2017-05-31

容书仁 made a comment on an article: indiefocus #38:不要踩着别人的梦 2016-11-27

容书仁 made a comment on a blog: 蜡烛人:咱们见面吧! 2016-11-22

容书仁 followed: 不是胖丁的布丁 2016-11-14

容书仁 made a comment on a blog: Beholder:偷窥的快感 2016-11-14

容书仁 followed: eastecho 2016-11-13

容书仁 posted a blog: Beholder:偷窥的快感 2016-11-13

容书仁 made a comment on an article: indienova 换了一个新 Logo 2016-09-12

容书仁 made a comment on an article: Near Death:你唯一的敌人——寒冷 2016-07-31

容书仁 followed: Randiris 2016-07-13

容书仁 followed: Alexa 2016-07-13

容书仁 followed: ppl3232 2016-07-13

容书仁 followed: tnl 2016-07-13

容书仁 followed: Revery 2016-07-13

容书仁 followed: indiest 2016-07-13

容书仁 followed: CrapTears 2016-07-13

容书仁 followed: Ibot 2016-07-13

容书仁 followed: ayame9joe 2016-07-13

容书仁 followed: Tt 2016-07-13

容书仁 followed: ROY 2016-07-13

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