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- Participated in 1 Steam game intro translation
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Ibot liked group post: [活动]节奏医生抢先版编辑器自制关卡分享贴 2017-09-06
Ibot liked article: 全国9个城市上千人对于游戏的极限创作,都在这个周末里了! 2017-06-16
Ibot liked user's game: The Shrouded Isle 2017-06-15
Ibot liked article: 中华电子游戏研究协会 2017 年会香港见闻 2017-06-09
Ibot liked group post: 《1998大作战》Demo——很久都没有更新小组了,Boxfighter历经了半年陆陆续续的开发,确定了美术风格,完善了核心体验,终于从原型蜕变成了一个Demo,还有很多地方不完善,希望朋友们多提宝贵的意见~ 2017-06-08
Ibot liked article: 有关《纪念碑谷2》的一些个人感受 2017-06-07
Ibot provided Chinese introduction to the game Desktop Dungeons(桌面地下城).
Ibot liked article: Interview With HakJak Productions 2017-05-11
Ibot liked article: 永无止境的星期六:The Sexy Brutale 2017-05-05
Ibot liked blog: 游戏中的惊喜元素——以两款猫咪游戏为例 2017-05-05
Ibot liked group post: LD#38 萌犬在家 Puppy's World 2017-04-26
Ibot commented 有没有比较好的中文像素字体推荐啊?文件不要太大 in group: 综合讨论组 2017-04-26
Ibot liked article: 只属于你自己的探险故事-The Curious Expedition评测 2017-04-18
Ibot commented 国内流行什么样(类型)的游戏? in group: 综合讨论组 2017-04-10
Ibot made a comment on an article: 做独立游戏就像组乐队(译) 2017-04-07
Ibot liked article: Future Unfolding 的动态音效设计 2017-04-01
Ibot liked article: 缅怀素未谋面的郑问老师 2017-03-29
Ibot liked article: 论FTL的经典模范与后继的分歧表现,以Convoy和Space Rogue为例 2017-03-28
Ibot liked group post: SteamWork接入流程分享 2017-03-16
Ibot liked group post: freeRPG《荒镇》发布 2017-03-16
Ibot made a comment on an article: GameMaker Studio 2 上手指南 2017-03-15
Ibot liked article: China is kind of a big deal for Indie Games 2017-03-10
Ibot liked group post: [翻译]模拟蛇的行为 2017-03-08
Ibot joined group: Construct2/3 2017-03-08
Ibot made a comment on a blog: 好多天没更新进度了,因为 2017-03-07
Ibot saved article: 致旗舰评论「从《恶魔之魂》到《仁王》:两个游戏类型的重构史」一文 2017-03-06