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xim369 achieved: Newcomer 2018-12-28

xim369 has upgraded to grade: 2 2018-12-28

xim369 saved article: 中国独立游戏会好吗? 2017-05-31

xim369 liked article: 中国独立游戏会好吗? 2017-05-31

xim369 made a comment on an article: Little Nightmares V.S. Inside:差之毫厘的努力 2017-05-18

xim369 made a comment on an article: Little Nightmares V.S. Inside:差之毫厘的努力 2017-05-18

xim369 followed: 音速键盘猫 2017-05-15

xim369 made a comment on an article: 游戏后期特效#3:垂直雾(Vertical Fog) 2017-05-15

xim369 followed: MrUp 2017-05-10

xim369 followed: 界外魔阿历克斯 2017-05-10

xim369 made a comment on an article: 它凭什么在前期开发便得到索尼的关注? 2017-05-02

xim369 made a comment on an article: 有潜力比肩《极限脱出》的独立游戏:Minotaur 2017-04-17

xim369 liked article: 如何寻找我的故事 2017-03-02

xim369 saved article: 如何寻找我的故事 2017-03-02

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