Angus8496 followed: radio 2024-03-26

Angus8496 joined group: 广州独立游戏 2022-03-09

Angus8496 updated the game: XKatana: title 2021-04-05

Angus8496 has upgraded to grade: 3 2020-12-13

Angus8496 followed: iunn 2020-11-16

Angus8496 made a comment on a user game: XKnight 2020-11-16

Angus8496 updated the game: XKnight: development progress 5% 2020-11-14

Angus8496 updated the game: XKnight: detailed information 2020-11-14

Angus8496 joined group: Roguelike 开发小组 2020-09-29

Angus8496 updated the game: XKnight: title 2020-09-17

Angus8496 followed: 刘美工 2020-09-14

Angus8496 liked user's game: XFight 2020-09-03

Angus8496 achieved: Indie Developer 2020-09-02

Angus8496 released a new game: XFight 2020-09-02

Angus8496 achieved: Newcomer 2020-09-02

Angus8496 has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-09-02

Angus8496 followed: U-ACG 2020-08-20

Angus8496 followed: 离忧先生 2018-01-10

Angus8496 followed: Raiser 2017-12-08

Angus8496 made a comment on a user game: 蟒蛇小队 2017-12-04

Angus8496 liked user's game: 蟒蛇小队 2017-12-04

Angus8496 joined group: 综合讨论组 2017-09-10

Angus8496 made a comment on an article: SketchUp:简单高效的关卡设计软件 2017-09-10

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