搞了个个人厂牌名叫 RedPotato,  哈哈

Last Activity

RedPotato posted a blog: 加入一些准备工作 2020-12-20

RedPotato updated the game: 节奏战争: screenshots 2020-12-14

RedPotato posted a blog: 这是第一篇开发日志 2020-12-08

RedPotato achieved: Indie Developer 2020-12-08

RedPotato released a new game: 节奏战争 2020-12-08

RedPotato achieved: Newcomer 2020-12-08

RedPotato has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-12-08

RedPotato followed: 顾煜 2019-07-03

RedPotato followed: Eiman 2019-06-18

RedPotato made a comment on a blog: COLLOC 克洛克开发日志 #1 克洛克的诞生 2019-06-18

RedPotato liked article: 随机性与游戏设计 2019-04-25

RedPotato saved article: 随机性与游戏设计 2019-04-25

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