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byzod made a comment on news: 任天堂公布新玩法Nintendo Labo 2018-01-18

byzod made a comment on an article: 赛博朋克X密室逃脱——《米诺陶》即将上线 2018-01-10

byzod made a comment on an article: 一份简单的私人Steam秋季折扣推荐 2017-11-29

byzod made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #83:伤不起的 Steam 新品列表 2017-11-28

byzod made a comment on an article: 给猫看的游戏AI实战(二)视觉感知初步 2017-10-19

byzod made a comment on an article: 聊聊游戏里的中国元素 2017-10-12

byzod made a comment on an article: 关于 Emergent Gameplay 的一些思考 2017-10-12

byzod made a comment on an article: 最流行的元素是复古|Supply Week.11 2017-09-13

byzod liked article: 基于高度的纹理混合shader 2017-09-10

byzod liked article: Tangledeep:致敬16位时代 2017-09-10

byzod made a comment on an article: 《旺达与巨像》:男孩拯救女孩的故事 2017-08-28

byzod made a comment on an article: 流光溢彩的巫师游戏 2017-08-25

byzod made a comment on an article: 这个钢镚儿游戏用博弈论解释了一个社会问题 2017-08-14

byzod made a comment on an article: 这个钢镚儿游戏用博弈论解释了一个社会问题 2017-08-09

byzod made a comment on an article: 七嘴八舌聊夏促 2017-06-26

byzod made a comment on an article: Smile Game Builder 初体验 2017-06-20

byzod made a comment on an article: 五十音图背了一万年?这些游戏可以帮帮你。 2017-06-15

byzod achieved: Newcomer 2017-06-05

byzod has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-06-05

byzod made a comment on an article: 游戏后期特效#4: 屏幕空间环境光遮蔽(SSAO) 2017-06-05

byzod made a comment on an article: 北半球最好玩的类Tetris游戏:Tricky Tower 2017-05-28

byzod made a comment on an article: Rain World: 活着真好 2017-04-09

byzod made a comment on an article: 游戏中的游戏 2017-04-07

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