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ddwhzh made a comment on an article: 笑说独游(一): 独立游戏是什么? 2017-08-09

ddwhzh liked user blog: 欧卡2丨男人的浪漫 2017-08-09

ddwhzh made a comment on a blog: 血腥暴力招人爱的独立游戏 2017-08-09

ddwhzh liked user blog: 血腥暴力招人爱的独立游戏 2017-08-09

ddwhzh made a comment on a blog: 欧卡2丨男人的浪漫 2017-08-09

ddwhzh made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #47:开工就要靠这些动作游戏提神 2017-02-08

ddwhzh made a comment on an article: 角色设计学:视觉切断 2017-02-07

ddwhzh made a comment on an article: 环境的配置是如何影响难易度? 2017-02-07

ddwhzh achieved: Newcomer 2017-02-07

ddwhzh has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-02-07

ddwhzh made a comment on an article: 独立开发者们是这样还击特朗普“禁穆令”的 2017-02-07

ddwhzh made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #20:独立游戏定价迷思 2016-07-23

ddwhzh made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #20:独立游戏定价迷思 2016-07-17

ddwhzh followed: Bundle Hunter Studio 2016-07-13

ddwhzh made a comment on an article: Replica:一场乔治奥威尔式的审判 2016-07-13

ddwhzh made a comment on an article: Indie Focus #19:Furi,你不值这个价 2016-07-12

ddwhzh followed: ayame9joe 2016-07-10

ddwhzh made a comment on an article: 打破十二分钟的魔咒 2016-07-10

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