sacshadow has upgraded to grade: 6 2023-03-15

sacshadow made a comment on an article: 仿宋代水墨山水画风格 3D 渲染的 Unity 实现 2023-03-15

sacshadow updated the game: 无极道人: development progress 90% 2022-10-09

sacshadow posted a blog: 做个四足运动系统试试看 2022-02-01

sacshadow liked user's game: 代號 : 紙上談兵 2022-01-20

sacshadow liked user's game: 生活(What a life) 2022-01-13

sacshadow updated the game: 无极道人: development progress 80% 2022-01-11

sacshadow posted a blog: [开发日志] 游戏场景 2021-09-16

sacshadow liked article: 今日强档:风来之国 2021-09-16

sacshadow updated the game: 无极道人: demos 2021-07-20

sacshadow liked user's game: 琉隐 2020-10-29

sacshadow posted an article: 分享一些不错的游戏和技术 02 2020-10-28

sacshadow posted an article: 分享一些不错的游戏和技术 01 2020-09-24

sacshadow achieved: Member 2020-09-24

sacshadow has upgraded to grade: 5 2020-09-24

sacshadow followed: JKLLIN 2020-09-19

sacshadow posted an article: 分享一些不错的游戏和技术 00 2020-09-09

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