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Last Activity

sloth2d made a comment on a blog: 无意间搞出了一个小游戏(瓶颈期) 2017-12-05

sloth2d followed: 二蕉 2017-09-15

sloth2d liked user's game: TRii 2017-09-15

sloth2d posted a blog: 第二次参加gamejam 2017-06-19

sloth2d made a comment on an article: 如何寻找我的故事 2017-03-07

sloth2d made a comment on an article: 说说 Linelight 的简约设计 2017-03-07

sloth2d made a comment on an article: 基于 Tile 地图的视觉范围生成方法以及实现 2017-03-07

sloth2d made a comment on an article: 本周值得关注的发售作品 3.6-3.12 2017-03-07

sloth2d achieved: Newcomer 2017-03-07

sloth2d has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-03-07

sloth2d made a comment on a blog: 对于Undertale的一些思考与分析 2017-03-07

sloth2d made a comment on a blog: 好多天没更新进度了,因为 2017-03-07

sloth2d made a comment on a blog: 第一次GameJam总结 2017-01-24

sloth2d made a comment on a blog: 第一次GameJam总结 2017-01-24

sloth2d made a comment on a blog: 第一次GameJam总结 2017-01-24

sloth2d posted a blog: 第一次GameJam总结 2017-01-24

sloth2d joined group: Ludum Dare 2016-12-22

sloth2d followed: 疯王子 2016-12-22

sloth2d followed: 高鸣 蜡烛人挚友 2016-12-22

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