玩者之心 made a comment on an article: indienova 正在招聘 2022-09-24

玩者之心 made a comment on an article: indienova 正在招聘 2022-09-23

玩者之心 liked article: indienova 正在招聘 2022-09-23

玩者之心 followed: Gamera Game 2021-12-21

玩者之心 provided Chinese introduction to the game Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk(一袋子牛奶里面的一袋子牛奶). 2021-06-16

玩者之心 joined group: RPGMaker 2021-06-16

玩者之心 joined group: Nintendo Switch 小组 2021-06-16

玩者之心 joined group: itch 2021-06-16

玩者之心 followed: 方程 2021-06-16

玩者之心 joined group: 综合讨论组 2021-06-16

玩者之心 followed: Defisym 2021-06-16

玩者之心 made a comment on a blog: 什么才算设计思维深度 2021-06-16

玩者之心 liked user blog: 什么才算设计思维深度 2021-06-16

玩者之心 joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2021-06-16

玩者之心 followed: 流贾君 2021-06-16

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