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justmaybe achieved: Newcomer 2021-06-17

justmaybe has upgraded to grade: 2 2021-06-17

justmaybe followed: clatterrr 2019-06-12

justmaybe saved article: Steam 商店页面和游戏上传 2019-06-12

justmaybe liked article: Steam 商店页面和游戏上传 2019-06-12

justmaybe joined group: 郑州独立游戏开发 2019-05-06

justmaybe made a comment on an article: 投稿:从业游戏 22 年给独立开发者的建议 2019-05-05

justmaybe joined group: Ludum Dare 2019-04-28

justmaybe liked article: Dead Cells 的随机地图生成 2019-04-12

justmaybe saved article: Dead Cells 的随机地图生成 2019-04-12

justmaybe followed: Lanka 2019-04-02

justmaybe followed: 游戏发现 2019-03-19

justmaybe joined group: Construct2/3 2018-09-11

justmaybe joined group: GameMaker Studio 2 2018-05-23

justmaybe joined group: 做梦都(DMerAll) 2018-05-15

justmaybe joined group: 针对游戏的探讨 2018-05-08

justmaybe saved article: 六角网格大观 2018-04-10

justmaybe liked article: 六角网格大观 2018-04-10

justmaybe followed: 卡姐Cara 2018-04-10

justmaybe joined group: 综合讨论组 2018-03-26

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