鲟鱼籽酱 followed: 稻草P 2022-02-08

鲟鱼籽酱 liked user's game: 年期 2022-01-16

鲟鱼籽酱 updated the game: 年期: demos 2022-01-16

鲟鱼籽酱 updated the game: 年期: demos 2022-01-13

鲟鱼籽酱 updated the game: 年期: development progress 20% 2022-01-12

鲟鱼籽酱 saved article: 游戏制作省钱大法 2021-11-03

鲟鱼籽酱 has upgraded to grade: 3 2021-10-13

鲟鱼籽酱 updated the game: 年期: development progress 15% 2021-10-11

鲟鱼籽酱 updated the game: 年期: screenshots 2021-10-05

鲟鱼籽酱 followed: uplighter 2021-09-28

鲟鱼籽酱 joined group: 成都独立游戏开发 2021-08-12

鲟鱼籽酱 updated the game: 年期: screenshots 2021-08-04

鲟鱼籽酱 joined group: Game Design Dailies 2021-07-27

鲟鱼籽酱 joined group: UE4 2021-07-27

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