
SMU Guildhall Cohort 31 Level Design Specialization






《失语症》开发团队 (Dev / Studio)

Last Activity

Refrain updated the game: 失语症: development progress 0% 2018-05-29

Refrain liked user's game: 失语症 2017-09-18

Refrain followed: etherko 2017-09-07

Refrain liked user's game: 人类限界 2017-09-03

Refrain joined group: Unity3D 2017-09-03

Refrain made a comment on an article: 利用GPU实现大规模动画角色的渲染 2017-08-17

Refrain followed: tkchu 2017-08-06

Refrain followed: jeffchen 2017-08-05

Refrain followed: 很稳工作室 2017-08-04

Refrain updated the game: 失语症: platforms 2017-07-26

Refrain liked user's game: 失语症 2017-07-26

Refrain made a comment on an article: The Lion's Song:冒险游戏的文学感 2017-07-26

Refrain joined group: low poly 2017-06-12

Refrain was verified as: 《失语症》开发团队 2017-05-19

Refrain joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2017-05-17

Refrain followed: 高鸣 蜡烛人挚友 2017-05-17

Refrain followed: eastecho 2017-05-17

Refrain achieved: Indie Developer 2017-05-17

Refrain released a new game: 失语症 2017-05-17

Refrain achieved: Newcomer 2017-05-17

Refrain has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-05-17

Refrain followed: 音速键盘猫 2017-05-15

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