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Last Activity

远坂凛 joined group: 米诺陶 Minotaur 2018-01-08

远坂凛 made a comment on an article: 圣女之歌0:不如活在回忆里 2017-01-13

远坂凛 made a comment on an article: 写在卸载《阴阳师》之前 2016-12-05

远坂凛 saved article: 写在卸载《阴阳师》之前 2016-12-03

远坂凛 achieved: Newcomer 2016-09-14

远坂凛 has upgraded to grade: 2 2016-09-14

远坂凛 made a comment on an article: Steam 评价系统重大改动:鼓励导购而非创作 2016-09-14

远坂凛 made a comment on an article: 如何挽救沉迷守望屁股的玩家 2016-09-12

远坂凛 was rewarded with Steam key exchange. Total: 1 2016-08-30

远坂凛 followed: cvasdz 2016-08-16

远坂凛 invited: cvasdz 2016-08-16

远坂凛 achieved: Invitation 2016-08-16

远坂凛 joined group: 综合讨论组 2016-08-15

远坂凛 made a comment on a page: indienova 三周年 2016-08-15

远坂凛 followed: indie 新闻官 2016-07-25

远坂凛 made a comment on an article: 你们对 Scorn 的恶心一无所知 2016-07-03

远坂凛 made a comment on a blog: 绑定 steam 帐号,立即赢取充值卡 2016-06-25

远坂凛 followed: Humble Ray 2016-06-19

远坂凛 followed: eastecho 2016-06-19

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