AnoToki joined group: 综合讨论组 2022-10-25

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 游戏制作省钱大法 2021-09-20

AnoToki joined group: 杭州独立游戏小组 2021-09-07

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 让人眼前一亮的游戏设计 - Steamworld Heist 2021-08-03

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 游戏设计导论:Introduction to Game Design(2/4) 2019-08-07

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 如何避免游戏失败时玩家的三种负面情绪? 2019-02-23

AnoToki made a comment on a blog: 我把游戏分为两类 2017-02-21

AnoToki achieved: Newcomer 2017-02-02

AnoToki has upgraded to grade: 2 2017-02-02

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 游戏行业正在发生一场巨大的文艺复兴 2017-02-02

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 随机性与游戏设计 2017-01-26

AnoToki made a comment on an article: Game&ALL vol.14 玩游戏是不是在浪费时间? 2017-01-26

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 随机性与游戏设计 2017-01-26

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 随机性与游戏设计 2017-01-25

AnoToki made a comment on an article: Game&ALL vol.14 玩游戏是不是在浪费时间? 2017-01-25

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 随机性与游戏设计 2017-01-24

AnoToki made a comment on an article: Game&ALL vol.14 玩游戏是不是在浪费时间? 2017-01-24

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 劝君莫再谈“游戏” 2017-01-20

AnoToki followed: gutenberg 2017-01-03

AnoToki made a comment on an article: 概率与游戏:伤害检定 2017-01-03

AnoToki saved article: 概率与游戏:伤害检定 2017-01-03

AnoToki followed: ayame9joe 2016-12-29

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