daichou03 updated the game: Pokemon farm: demos 2017-04-03

daichou03 saved article: 随机性与游戏设计 2017-03-27

daichou03 made a comment on an article: 听 Veewo 讲讲 Mario Run 到底好在哪里 2017-01-10

daichou03 was verified as: 《Pokemon farm》开发团队 2016-11-23

daichou03 made a comment on an article: 游戏中你还会做一个好人吗? 2016-11-16

daichou03 made a comment on an article: 游戏中你还会做一个好人吗? 2016-11-16

daichou03 saved article: 游戏瑰宝 #2:Lode Runner 2016-11-15

daichou03 saved article: Troy: 我是如何设计地牢的 2016-10-20

daichou03 made a comment on a user game: 低魔时代 2016-10-20

daichou03 updated the game: Pokemon farm: development progress 34% 2016-10-18

daichou03 saved article: 游戏瑰宝 #1:Karateka 2016-10-13

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