Tellsth liked article: 解谜游戏常见元素 2020-11-13

Tellsth posted a blog: CGJ2020感想 2020-08-15

Tellsth posted a blog: CGJ2020感谢 2020-08-15

Tellsth joined group: Ludum Dare 2020-04-20

Tellsth liked user's game: 好想吃!红葡萄! 2020-04-16

Tellsth saved article: 视频游戏关卡设计新手指南 2020-04-12

Tellsth followed: M-Studio 2020-04-04

Tellsth liked group post: 大学四年,一个Demo 2020-04-04

Tellsth saved article: “花茶,武士,新麦加” 2020-03-29

Tellsth liked article: “花茶,武士,新麦加” 2020-03-29

Tellsth achieved: Newcomer 2020-02-10

Tellsth has upgraded to grade: 2 2020-02-10

Tellsth commented 風: Yokohama, Kanagawa in group: 我们都爱像素风 2020-01-24

Tellsth joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2020-01-17

Tellsth joined group: Unity 2D 开发小组 2020-01-17

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