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15°Chaos achieved: Newcomer 2022-04-09

15°Chaos has upgraded to grade: 2 2022-04-09

15°Chaos made a comment on an article: Doom Eternal 的战斗设计分析 2022-04-09

15°Chaos liked article: Doom Eternal 的战斗设计分析 2022-04-09

15°Chaos saved article: 游戏制作省钱大法 2022-03-02

15°Chaos made a comment on an article: 我学画画是为了开发游戏,可不是画本子 2021-05-25

15°Chaos liked group post: LD 48 主题公布:Deeper and deeper 2021-04-24

15°Chaos liked article: 洞窟类地牢生成 2021-04-22

15°Chaos saved article: 洞窟类地牢生成 2021-04-22

15°Chaos made a short review on game: Fallout 2(辐射 2) 2021-04-17

15°Chaos followed: intostudio 2021-04-17

15°Chaos followed: compass 2021-04-17

15°Chaos liked article: 杂谈:游戏中的“声音” 2020-04-24

15°Chaos joined group: Ludum Dare 2020-04-13

15°Chaos joined group: 热爱游戏制作的大学生 2020-04-13

15°Chaos joined group: 我们都爱像素风 2020-04-13

15°Chaos joined group: 综合讨论组 2020-04-13

15°Chaos liked article: 积极玩法与消极玩法 2020-04-08

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