杀出重围:人类分裂 - 数字豪华版

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided - Digital Deluxe Edition

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现在是 2029 年,强化科技的黄金年代已告终结。机械强化人类遭排挤,成为社会边缘人。一个全面性的阴谋意图操控人类未来,并以犯罪与恐怖行动粉饰……

类型: 射击角色扮演体育冒险

视角: 第一人称视角第三人称视角

版本: 发行版本 游戏本体

模式: 单人

主题: 动作潜行

引擎: Dawn Engine




现在是 2029 年,强化科技的黄金年代已告终结。机械强化人类遭排挤,成为社会边缘人。一个全面性的阴谋意图操控人类未来,并以犯罪与恐怖行动粉饰……


- 下载内容通行证
- 额外游戏内任务
-“Covert Agent”包
- 数位版中篇小说、漫画书、美术设定集、游戏原声带试听(限期提供)

杀出重围:人类分裂 - 数字豪华版 》 的短评 (暂无)



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杀出重围:人类分裂 - 数字豪华版 》 的讨论





2016-08-23 PlayStation 4 (PS4) 全球
2016-08-23 Xbox One 全球


英式足球 足球 探索 赛博朋克 模控学 潜行 侦探 drugs 小游戏 有组织犯罪 健康 augmented reality 第一人称射击 未来 guitar playing 制造 二十一世纪 keyboard 谜题 查看全部 + 角色扮演 cyborg button Steam 成就 时间限制 deus ex 陷阱 光明会 blocks 黑客 dialogue trees paint 道具栏 小汽车 报纸 slow-motion 防护盾 graffiti glitch toast 飞机 DJ scissors BOSS 战 树木 爆炸 多个 BOSS Steam 成就 数字发行 仅单人游玩 火车 rail track 跳跃 男主人公 飞行敌人 hamburger 箱子 苹果 垃圾桶 mask vine top hat plate spoon fork 随机数生成 倒计时 police car 不同服装 扑克牌 语音出演 toilet 太阳镜 feces 手纸 梯子 主观视角 教学 蜂窝电话 Bink Video 技术 3D 多边形 书籍 老鼠 pipe bathtub 购物 turret 爆炸 武器可升级 microtransaction 流行文化提及 game reference computer shelf bowling ball 货币 coat 盔甲 收集品 cults pool cue billiard ball 小刀 item throw soccer ball 酒精饮料 palm tree 原声音轨 经验点数 猎枪 载入画面 crouching wasd movement message on the wall white noise first-person regain consciousness color separation cardboard box paintings photo letter stuffed animal light bulb houseplant child art hanger chips 过场动画 非玩家角色 profanity cult leader aural characters electricity hologram fake in-game advertising 桌面 电梯 candle bloody wall warning sign corpse id card necktie 棒球棍 手枪 barbell bowling pin 棒球帽 bench plunger target orange escort mission late title card glasses carrot posthumous credit 瓶子 fountain 楼梯 ceiling fan microphone side quests PAX WEST 2016 E3 2016 black market 混战 准星 字幕 auto-saving smoke grenade 抬头数字显示仪 lgbt pants cigarette real money transaction safe invisible enemy vision obstruction 最终 BOSS 困难关卡 trench coat 地图 激光 雕像 breakable glass fake glitch poster 自说自话的幽默 mustache facial hair quicksaving quickloading office chair couch tire wooden chair liberation clock bulletin board calendar sticky note loading screen advice inconvenient malfunction electric fan valve broom rug post-credits plot twist underwear television newscast automatic input device detection 重载 mercenary E3 2015 exploding barrel 狙击步枪 gun safe chains minimap 地图 falling sequence video game characters that play video games production babies scripted death mirror pancake refrigerator bucket stained glass blood splatter terrorists 未来 bribery meat theft sequence breaking floppy disk dart dart board globe stool fmod glass leaf confirm menu choices tattoo been here before zoom 可解锁困难关卡 boots cooldowns special vision compass bar disguise pacifist playthrough necklace cushion pool table keycard needle traffic cone pumpkin 手雷 games that ask you to "press start" but will accept other buttons 反乌托邦世界 baldness surveillance camera electrified water benchmark included suit and tie radial menu dumbbell collar stealth kill less-lethal weapons beer rotatable objects weapon modification trash bag submachine gun magazine 超重角色 grenade launcher revolver pallet speaker microwave towel watch hotdog code writing psychopathy 高跟鞋 cereal lava lamp abilitease invisibility vent crawling 内置邮件系统 silencer scope laser sight matress x-ray picture urinal new game plus lock blueprint alert wheelbarrow punching bag propaganda deadly gas guided by radio bacon washing machine bust defibrillator steak sausage earrings more than 100% health escaping imprisonment searching corpses air duct tomato watering can onion headphones optional objective thumbs up passport moving bodies last known position inventory grid frag grenade crazy eyes ashtray envelope story recap pear letter block champagne prostitute cucumber hunting trophy multiple currencies goatee beggar recoil 沉浸式模拟 redemption clothes dryer matryoshka doll keypad lock vendor trash gas grenade emp grenade multiple personality dawn engine dart gun TGA 2016 TGA 2016 提名 TGA 2016 最佳角色扮演游戏:提名 hdr hdr10 adam jensen cybernetic augmentations 超人类主义 deus

* 信息搜集自:Wikipedia, GiantBomb, GameFaqs, iGDB, MobyGames 等网站和资源