DmC 鬼泣:最终高清版

DmC: Devil May Cry - Definitive Edition

8.6 8.0
1 想玩 0 在玩 3 玩过 1 已购买 1 在关注
在这个广受好评的动作游戏中,Definitive Edition 会提升到 1080p 60fps 的画面水平,并包括新的特色及所有原本的下载内容。

类型: 砍杀冒险

视角: 第三人称视角

版本: 发行版本 Remaster

模式: 单人

主题: 幻想动作

引擎: Unreal EngineUnreal Engine 3


※ 游戏本体和游戏图像的版权归游戏制作方所属



在这个广受好评的动作游戏中,Definitive Edition 会提升到 1080p 60fps 的画面水平,并包括新的特色及所有原本的下载内容。

与多达八个独特武器组成型格组合。在传奇性重生的 Devil May Cry 系列本作中与 Dante 及 Vergil 横越 Limbo 的邪恶世界。



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PS4实体游戏 (453)



2015-02-18 PlayStation 4 (PS4) 北美
2015-02-28 PlayStation 4 (PS4) 北美
2015-03-10 PlayStation 4 (PS4) 北美
2015-03-10 Xbox One 北美
2015-03-10 Xbox One 欧洲
2015-03-10 PlayStation 4 (PS4) 欧洲
2015-04-17 PlayStation 4 (PS4) 全球


链锯 灵魂 谋杀 健康 砍杀 死亡 scooter keyboard counter-terrorists 谜题 动作冒险 religion button 女巫 平行世界 black-and-white backtracking 成就 查看全部 + 时间限制 格斗动作 portals Steam 卡牌 自定义音轨 bus revenge sex 道具栏 小汽车 报纸 彩蛋 裸露 pizza whip level selection slow-motion 防护盾 graffiti glitch adventure game 动作游戏 BOSS 战 树木 fixed camera 爆炸 truck Steam 成就 仅单人游玩 火车 rail track Steam 云记录 跳跃 男主人公 飞行敌人 concept art 箱子 垃圾桶 mask balloon fedora hat 倒计时 finish line police car PS 奖杯 不同服装 barb wire fence 主机版本 60 帧 语音出演 调色板转换 game title announcer lightning bolt hd remasters 梯子 教学 ranking system 蜂窝电话 Bink Video 技术 人类 3D 多边形 书籍 pipe double jump roll 爆炸 武器可升级 流行文化提及 game reference computer scythe shelf 帽子 licensed soundtrack 收集品 item throw 原始起源 第三人称视角 可解锁 胡子 shrub 猎枪 载入画面 动态模糊 wasd movement message on the wall white noise color separation cardboard box 纸张 paintings photo light bulb 过场动画 锁闭的门 非玩家角色 profanity electricity 其它角色的后代 fake in-game advertising 桌面 电梯 warning sign pillow desk corpse propeller rubble flip off necktie 棒球棍 手枪 Steam 激活 lightning PS Plus 钥匙 bench fence feather grass ragdoll physics glasses 瓶子 street light fountain 楼梯 escalator ambush 挥砍武器 DLC wwise 混战 手套 抬头数字显示仪 release upgrade ring Game Over cigarette unreal engine 3 scaleform stat tracking secret area betrayal shielded enemies par time glowing eyes 最终 BOSS 困难关卡 s-rank evade multi-phase boss in-game achievement menu crepuscular rays 激光 雕像 column wings harpy breakable glass fake glitch poster 自说自话的幽默 mustache facial hair triple question mark office chair couch conveniently obscured nudity vomiting loading screen advice aluminum can rug whiteboard underwear television newscast rock music belt sexualized men same name reboot 狙击步枪 连击 enemy health indicator lifesaver lamp post chains floating island chandelier sounds of despair production babies functional mirrors television mirror arcade cabinet stained glass clipboard playground slide swing set pole moving platforms gear terrorists shipping container water cooler lens flare sequence breaking glass confirm menu choices power line weak spot 可解锁困难关卡 boots shoes achievement attempt detection gamersgate franchise reboot difficulty achievement magically imbued weapons non-standard difficulty differences gauntlets necklace file cabinet ferris wheel games that ask you to "press start" but will accept other buttons vase 反乌托邦世界 training mode baldness surveillance camera 动作捕捉动画 western games based on japanese ips 高解析画面 Gamescom 2012 juggling animation canceling air dash dolby digital letter grade at the end of a level fingerless gloves suit and tie rose evil organization horde mode kill streak fetch quests light bloom ground pound gliding phong shading depth of field molotov cocktail fire extinguisher crane trash bag traffic light muzzle flash havok physics 超重角色 spray paint forklift pallet speaker gas cylinder neon sign environmental kill flashback 高跟鞋 mirror ball circle-strafing devil gene invisibility scripted events scope new game plus portal dual wielding charging heavyweight enemies catwalk satellite dish more than two eyes journalist superpowers 基于漫画的游戏 bust wig retinal scanner earrings pew giant killing monster infighting sweeping vista texture pop-in sibling rivalry corset satanism girders hoodie outside of the map 东京电玩展 2012 PAX PRIME 2012 E3 2012 energy drinks foreshadowing air shot strippers zooming to platform pathway god complex breaking through windows dodge jump merry-go-round orbs henchmen time since last checkpoint souls as currency faux twitter style meter weapon combo E3 2011 Gamescom 2011 air combo in-game tutorial videos stepping on bugs re-spec yamato sss rank character redesign ransom tokyo game show 2010 walking on walls nephilim PS3 dmc devil may cry dmc devil may cry game



* 信息搜集自:Wikipedia, GiantBomb, GameFaqs, iGDB, MobyGames 等网站和资源