那斯亚传奇 - Naxia | indienova GameDB 游戏库

那斯亚传奇 NaxiaTheGame


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Naxia is a isometric arpg genre with deep and wide combat system of hack-and-slash, new experience by presenting different kinds of combat system mechanics like action adventure games with unique combo chains that are made of a combination of melee or range movement sets and spells.

类型: 角色扮演砍杀冒险独立

视角: 上帝视角

版本: EA 抢先体验 游戏本体

模式: 单人

主题: 动作幻想

引擎: Unity 2018

※ 游戏本体和游戏图像的版权归游戏制作方所属



Don't Forget To


Naxia is an ARPG game with a refreshing new take on hack-and-slash combat. Set in a fantasy world, Angels and Demons wage an eternal war. Choose between four playable characters; Ajira - a young female outcast with a troubling childhood, Ryan - a former member of the imper……显示全部ial mages council, Emon - a sellsword barbarian, or Vazor - a cold blooded necromancer. Each character is equipped with unique abilities and fighting style.
Amidst the turmoil of this heavenly conflict, a new hero is approached by Commander Skye to empower an army willing to fight for humanity and retake what is rightfully theirs. Each playable character will progress through a unique story-line with character-specific interactions and dialogues. Hone your skills and acquire an arsenal to prepare for the ultimate battle. Uncover the power of Rage Form - a combat ability which allows you to shape-shift into a divinely powerful inhuman monster and eradicate your foes.

◎ A Deep and Diverse Combat System
◎ Dynamic and Fast-paced Action
◎ Four Different Playable Classes with Different and Unique Gameplay
◎ A Different and Profound Story for each Class
◎ Different types of enemies (+20 types)
◎ Extensive Character Development
◎ Procedural Content
◎ Different types of Bosses
◎ A Unique Skill Tree and Rage Form for each Class
◎ Rogue-Like Dungeons and Battle Arenas
◎ The Ability to Collect Hundreds of Items
◎ An Xbox and PS Controller Setup
◎ Secrets to Uncover
◎ The Ability To Reclaim Skill Points
Combat System

Our combat system is deep and diverse, in that it uniquely integrates functionalities of an action-adventure game with that of an ARPG game. It offers various combat system mechanics, such as unique combo chains made up of melee or range movement sets and spells


3 Different Unique Execution Styles for each enemy.


Travel through 12 unique worlds with lots of places to discover.

Different seasons and environments.

From the darkest forests to the hottest deserts, from highest mountain to the deepest dungeon.

Character Development

Find Items in the game by completing quests / Killing enemies / Finding reward chests.

◎ Cloths
◎ Shoulders
◎ Boots
◎ Gloves
◎ Weapons
+100 Armor Type
+20 Weapon Type


12 Unique Spell for each character with 3 Variation.

Procedural Dungeons

Dungeons are generated procedurally every time you enter, meaning you'll have to be prepared for anything!!

360° view

Change view 360° to see Naxia world better.




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2019-11-22 Windows 全球


* 信息搜集自:Wikipedia, GiantBomb, GameFaqs, iGDB, MobyGames 等网站和资源