The Room Syndrome
- 独立
Explore the mysterious room by traversing time, while you watch a man succumb to the room syndrome.
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So quick update for those interested. I'm going to push the release date back to the 1st of November due to a couple of issues. First, the game is nearly complete, but I am still cleaning up some elements of development and it will not be complete soon enough to get the build reviewed in t……显示全部ime. Secondly, two quite large games are also releasing on the 25th and It probably isn't the best decision to release on that exact date. So please be patient as the game is cleaned up and readied for release!
Slightly Lukewarm Regards!
Jesse "Really Tired" C.
Release Date!
The release date for The Room Syndrome has been set for the 25th! I believe if development continues to go as smoothly as it has for the last two weeks, then I should be able to guarantee the 25th. Though like all development processes, I can't really predict the future, and I may hit an unexpected snag or roadblock that could slow progress to an extent. But with that said, I am confident that I will be able to release the game on time.
So with that, I'll get back to work, and hopefully all you lovely people try out The Room Syndrome upon release!
The Warmest of Regards!
Jesse C.
Coming Soon
It's real, It's here, and it's coming soon.
The (Game)
Isolation breaks an individual down to their core elements. Isolation in a small enclosed space, takes that person, and removes all hope. Even the notion of escape loses meaning after a while. Observe, while you explore the mysterious room, traveling through time using an antique radio, as you watch a man succumb to the room syndrome.
The (Room)
The Room Syndrome is a short puzzling experience. Unravel time travel and explore the room throughout the timeline. Find the solution to your escape, and solve the mystery of the room's melancholy resident.
The (Syndrome)
As you explore, uncover the history and the future of the room's inhabitant, and discover their story. Be sensitive and observant, because your choices may have consequences, and the characters could react to your actions.
The (The)
Being my first game published on Steam, I felt it was right to release it for free. It is a short and meaningful experience that I believe you will find fascinating.
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