本来这是作者 Buch 为自己的一个森林背景的平台动作游戏所制作的资源,但是由于某些原因,他放弃了该游戏的制作。于是,他将这些资源以 CC0 方式提供给大家。
- WALK: frames 1,2,3,4, cycle
- JUMP: frame 5 for "jump preparation", frame 6 for moving upwards, frame 7 for moving downards and frame 8 for landing
- HIT: frames 9,10,9
- SLASH: frames 11,12,13 (you might use them in the order 12,11,12,13 if you want an extra "preparation" frame before the actual slash)
- PUNCH: 14,12 (again, you might use them in the order 12,14,12)
- RUN: 15-18
- CLIMB: 19-22
- a single frame with character's back (frame 23)