"This show is borne out of demand. The industry as a whole is asking for more. This is our chance to throw new things at the wall. This is gonna be a PAX, it's gonna have a PAX feel, it's gonna have our vibe and our fingerprints all over it, but [Unplugged] has its own spin and flavor. It's not a cut and paste of other shows we've done." -- Ryan Hartman
PAX Unplugged 将在 2017 年 11 月 17-19 期间举办,地点定在宾夕法尼亚的费城。这是第一次专门针对桌面游戏的 PAX 展会,也是 PAX 的第六个展会。
我们在 PAX EAST 上见识了桌游的火爆场面,这次专门的 PAX Unplugged 无疑将成为桌游界新的狂欢节。
今天,已经开始开放注册,单日 Pass $25,三日 Pass $60。周日的 12 岁以下儿童票价只需 $10。