游戏列表:《250 Indie Games You Must Play》(250)
整理自 Mike Rose 的著作《250 Indie Games You Must Play》
创建会员: dtq1997

蓝莓花园 68 Blueberry Garden
Take a stroll through the Blueberry Garden, a dream-like world of exploration and curiosities. Some forgetful soul has left a huge tap running, and the rising water now threatens to turn the garden into the next long-lost city of Atlantis. What at first appears to be a simple platformer soon reveals itself to be unlike anything you’ve ever played before: a surreal world with its own living, breathing ecosystem. Our beaked hero must use his ability to soar above the ground to help him collect the most random of objects (from giant apples to flash cameras), pile them all up in the centre of the world, and then reach the tap and save the land. The various fruit and berries scattered around the world can also be digested to give the hero special powers and aid his progress. You’ll get one of two different endings, depending on how high your tower reaches. Blueberry Garden was the winner of the Seumas McNally Grand Prize at the 2009 Independent Games Festival, and is available for PC-only download.

太空化学 85 SpaceChem
SpaceChem is the leading chemical synthesizer company, and you are one of its most hard-working reactor engineers. Your job is to create compounds and substances that can then be shipped to suppliers—and this is just as difficult as it sounds. Each factory houses a grid that your “waldos” use to travel around so that they can collect atoms, fuse them together, and dump the finished product for future use. Once each factory has been designed, pipelines must be built to ferry the molecules around. SpaceChem is a seriously clever and fiendishly tricky puzzler that will really make you sit back and think—it even comes with a periodic table for quick reference! However, it is not necessary to know chemistry to play, and anyone can enjoy the challenging scenarios on offer. Available for PC and Mac download, SpaceChem can initially feel rather overwhelming. Given time, though, it proves itself to be an essential puzzlegaming experience.

日常射击 77 Everyday Shooter
Although it presents itself simply as an abstract arena blaster, Everyday Shooter soon exhibits another facet of its personality through its deep correlation between gameplay and music. You are a little dot in a sea of psychedelic backdrops and adversaries, staying alive by destroying anything that moves. Each time you kill an enemy, a random note or guitar riff will ring out, thereby creating procedurally-generated music as you play. The riffs harmonise over the soundtrack and create a unique musical experience for every playthrough. Each level features different tracks that you can experiment with; hence the game’s description as “an album of games.” Players can unlock an assortment of game modes, including a shuffle mode that works like an mp3 player’s shuffle feature, and an invincible style of play that’s perfect for putting the gameplay aside and enjoying the concept to its fullest. Everyday Shooter won three awards at the 2007 Independent Games Festival including—not surprisingly—the Excellence In Audio Award. The game is available in versions for PC, the Playstation 3, and Playstation Portable.

双子座行动 86 Gemini Rue
Formerly known as Boryokudan Rue, Joshua Nuernberger’s futuristic adventure game follows the story of two very different men whose lives become entangled. Azriel Odin is searching for his brother in the Gemini System, while a prisoner known only as Delta-Six tries his hardest to remember his past. These men hold the key to saving the galaxy from a corruption that’s endemic. Players control these characters as they explore more than 60 handdrawn, film-noir-style scenes in traditional point-and-click adventure gaming fashion. Yet there are plenty of action scenes thrown into the mix as well, with shoot-outs and chases galore that might end with you biting the bullet. It’s not often that you get to embark on an adventure with this much charm and variety. With a plot full of exciting twists and turns, not to mention full voice-acting throughout, Gemini Rue heralds a new breed of adventure gaming. The game is available for PC.

复仇格斗兔 Lugaru
Turner is an anthropomorphic rabbit with some serious martial-arts training. After his family is brutally murdered by raiders, he embarks on a quest for revenge and discovers a huge conspiracy involving the leaders of the rabbits and evil wolves. Much of the game is based around hand-to-hand combat, with punches, kicks, disarms, and reversals. Using a combination of button presses and attacks (and the occasional weapon and the stealthy approach), you can fend off multiple enemies at a time. The game features ragdoll physics, allowing for a mixture of lifelike yet exaggerated combat. A challenge mode is included that dispenses with the storyline and puts the player up against a series of increasingly difficult antagonists. Several hardcore Lugaru fans have created mods that provide entirely new stories to play through—in fact, a designer named Tim Soret created HD textures for the entire game, which are now included as standard. The game is available for PC and Mac, and a sequel called Overgrowth is currently in the works.

蜡笔物理豪华版 79 Crayon Physics Deluxe
Imagine if your drawings could come to life. This idea is the basis for Crayon Physics Deluxe, in which you attempt to move a ball towards a star by using objects you’ve drawn in the surrounding environment. The game is presented as crayon drawings on a folded-out piece of paper, and it allows you to draw any shapes you desire, and even join objects together by using pivots and ropes. Everything you draw is affected by gravity, which can be used to move the ball along. There is no single method for completing any level; you can draw a few simple blocks to nudge the ball to the goal, or illustrate whole scenes and contraptions from cars to catapults to get it rolling. A level editor comes with the game so that you can make your own puzzles and share techniques with friends. Crayon Physics Deluxe won the Seumas McNally Grand Prize at the Independent Games Festival in 2008 and is available for PC and the iPhone. It was based on an original Experimental Gameplay Project submission called Crayon Physics, which is still available for free download.

奇想齿轮 73 Cogs
Cogs takes the tried-and-true concept of sliding-tile puzzles and takes it to the next level, with gorgeous steampunk visuals and full three-dimensional rotation around each puzzle. In each puzzle, cogs are attached to tiles that must be lined up in order to complete a series of tasks. Each level has different objectives, which range from the simple to the insane. Earlier challenges will have you creating chains of cogs, while later on you’ll be blasting rockets into space and powering all sorts of crazy contraptions. Puzzles are not confined to a single plane, either—you’ll be presented with cubes that have sliding tiles on each face, and even tiles with cogs on the front and back that must be configured simultaneously. At the first ever Indie Game Challenge Awards Cogs took home three cash prizes, including the Professional Grand Prize. The puzzler is available for download in versions for PC, Mac, the iPhone, and the iPad.

史莱姆英雄救美记 80 Gish
Gish is out on a stroll with his girlfriend Brea when she is pulled into the subterranean sewers of Dross by a mysterious figure. Of course, Gish jumps straight in to save her—although he’s not your usual kind of hero. Gish is, in fact, a ball of tar. As it turns out, being a ball of tar in a sewage system has its advantages, since Gish has a variety of special abilities that will aid his progress. As enemies attack, he can stick to walls and ceilings or become more fluid and slide through tight gaps in the brickwork. Gish can also contract and expand quickly so that he can leap over gaps, and he can make himself heavy enough to blast through obstacles. Dynamic fluid mechanics give the hero a wonderfully slushy feel. A versus mode is also included, offering two players the opportunity to do battle and knock each other out of a series of special arenas. Winner in multiple categories at the 2005 Independent Games Festival, Gish is a commercial download for PC and Mac.

奇诺冲突 77 Zeno Clash
Zeno Clash takes place in the surreal world of Zenozoik, after the hero Ghat has supposedly killed his hermaphroditic parent. Once banished from the city of Halstedom, Gnat sets off with his friend Deadra on a journey of discovery. Gameplay focuses heavily on first-person melee combat, with players throwing brutal punches and kicks at their opponents. The forests of Zenozoik are filled with a variety of strange creatures known as the Corwid of the Free, and some will attack Gnat on sight. Through flashbacks and revelations, we learn about Gnat’s past and why he chose to attack Father-Mother, with many twists and turns in the plot along the way. In addition to the main story, there’s a challenge mode that pits players against hordes of adversaries in a tower, with a final boss on the top floor. Zeno Clash is available in versions for PC and the Xbox 360, and a sequel is currently in the works.

安琪拉之歌 84 Aquaria
Naija is a mermaid-like creature living a life of solitude deep beneath the sea. But one day a mysterious figure appears, and causes Naija to recall a stream of memories that had been locked away in her mind. With these flashbacks propelling her on, Naija sets off through the gorgeous underwater world of Aquaria to discover the full truth. You control her movement and abilities entirely via the mouse (although keyboard-support is also available), and can explore the surroundings in a non-linear fashion. Learning songs along the way will gain Naija new powers and even enable her to change form, whereas the items you find scattered around the world can be used to decorate Naija’s home. Mod-support is available, providing tools that let you create your own levels and stories. Aquaria won the Seumas McNally Grand Prize at the 2007 Independent Games Festival, and it was also a finalist in three other categories. The game is a commercial download for both PC and Mac.

真菌世界 Eufloria
Sometimes the most simple and minimalist ideas can provide the most beautiful experiences. Eufloria is set in a world filled with perfectly round asteroids and flowers, and your objective is to send your seeds out and claim the world for your own. Seeds spawn from each plant that you control, and will bury themselves into the soil on other asteroids. Once enough seeds have been planted, the comet becomes yours—but you’ll also need to keep it heavily guarded from enemy-seedling armies. When you launch an attack on an opponent’s asteroid, the different coloured seeds will do battle, firing tiny lasers at each other until one army is victorious. Eufloria was originally designed for the TIGSource Procedural Generation competition under the name Dyson (after the Dyson tree hypothesis, which suggests that fractal-like plants can grow on meteorites). The game is available on PC, with releases for the Playstation 3, Mac, and iPhone planned for 2011.

破碎砖块 84 Shatter
At first glance, Shatter appears to be just another Breakout clone, but it’s far more than that. The objectives are familiar—keep the ball from leaving the arena by blocking its path with your paddle, and destroy all the blocks—but that’s where the similarities end. The ship you control can blow out and suck in, altering not only the course of the ball but also the movement of the blocks. If a block falls down and hits the paddle, you’ll be disabled briefly, which is dangerous if the ball is en route to the gutter. As blocks are removed, crystals will scatter around the play area and can be sucked into the paddle. Collect enough of the crystals and you’ll be able to unleash a devastating Shard Storm, allowing you to slow down time and fire a stream of bullets across the screen. Shatter is incredibly stylish, with gorgeous visual effects and a solid, technopop soundtrack. Download is available for either PC or your Playstation 3.

深蓝油田 The Oil Blue
In the near future, the world’s reliance on oil is at an all-time high and drilling company United Oil of Oceana is raking the money in. You are an officer on one of its ships, whose mission it is to scour the ocean for abandoned oil-drilling islands and claim them for United Oil. The Oil Blue is a multitasking bonanza in which you attempt to keep an assortment of satisfyingly clunky drilling machines running simultaneously. Some machines will only need you to press a button or two every now and then, while others will require much more care and attention to get the most out of them. If you work a machine too hard you’ll need to perform maintenance to get it back in full working order again. The placement of islands is randomly generated, and a certain amount of the sticky stuff must be pumped on each in order for players to progress. Dedication to the cause will be rewarded handsomely, as both you and your machines will level up based on how well you’re playing. You’ll also need to watch the stock market, and sell your oil at the best possible moment. The Oil Blue is a PC-only download.

星噬 80 Osmos
It’s survival of the biggest in the chilled-out world of Osmos. You control a round organism floating through space, and smaller motes that collide with you will be swallowed up by your mass—but any larger ones you touch will feast on you instead! AI-generated motes will even hunt you down or scamper away to stay alive. Keeping the balance of power in your favour is tricky, thanks to your only means of gaining momentum: ejecting matter. Doing so will propel your mote in any direction you choose, but obviously you’ll also shrink slightly. Osmos’s procedurally-populated worlds test your ability to change tactics on the fly constantly, and multiple game modes provide additional puzzle, action, and strategy elements. Osmos won the Direct2Drive Vision Award at the 2009 Independent Games Festival, and soon afterwards it was released for PC and Mac. Touch-screen editions for the iPhone and the iPad were later made available.

超级小花 Eversion
In Eversion you are a happy-go-lucky flower called Zee Tee, prancing through a cute world full of smiling enemies and precious gems as you carry out a quest to save the Princess. Consequently, you may be surprised when you learn that Eversion is also an incredibly creepy game. Play is heavily inspired by the classic Super Mario titles, with simple platforming mechanics. However, there’s a twist: whenever you come across an obstacle blocking your path, there’s an option to stand between two flowers and “everse”—that is, hie yourself to another reality in which (hopefully) that obstacle is missing. As you move more deeply into the various realities, you’ll find that the world is no longer cutesy and happy; far from it, in fact. Without revealing too much, let’s just say that the words “dark” and “grim” come to mind. There are three different endings, and the one you get will depend on how many gems you collect during play. There is a free edition of Eversion available for download, although the commercial version features high-definition visuals and some altered level design. Both versions are PC-only.

达尔文 84 Darwinia
When a mad scientist creates a digital world full of polygonal people, it’s probably only a matter of time before deadly viruses find their way into the system. Darwinia puts you in charge of destroying the bugs and saving the tribe. A number of different units—accessed via drawing gestures with your mouse—are available to players. Each level contains buildings that need to be captured and viruses that need to be killed. When you destroy a bug in the system, you’ll receive Soul points that can be used to spawn more Darwinians to support your cause. Eventually, you’ll witness huge battles between your soldiers and the various viruses infecting your virtual playground. Darwinia took home three prizes from the 2006 Independent Games Festival, including the Seumas McNally Grand Prize, and both PC and Mac versions are available for sale. An online multiplayer edition called Multiwinia is also downloadable, and Darwinia+ for the Xbox 360 includes both editions in a complete package.

离家 Leave Home
Leaving home for the first time is never easy, especially when you’re an abstract, laser-firing burst of light. Fortunately for Leave Home players, the world alters itself depending on how well—or badly—you play. If you’re good with your shots, kill plenty of enemies, and generally survive for a fair amount of time, this horizontal shooter will up the ante and throw tougher bad guys your way at a much higher frequency. But die multiple times in a row and you’ll find that the hostiles will go easy on you. Leave Home uses a special difficulty system that’s dynamic, meaning that the longer you stay alive, the harder the game becomes. During five-minute play sessions the game may also yank your ship out of the current scenario and dump you into another random situation without warning. Each playthrough will yield different outcomes, which leads to a serious amount of replayability. Leave Home can be downloaded for PC and the Xbox 360.

睡眠即死亡 Sleep Is Death
Geisterfahrer is German for “Ghost Driver,” which is an apt description for the two-player storyteller Sleep Is Death. One player takes part in a story as if it were an adventure game, while the other manipulates the scene, characters, and dialogue to create his or her own world. The action is turn-based and alternates between “the player” and “the controller.” The player moves the hero around, talks to other characters, and in general performs whatever acts seem appropriate. The controller is then given 30 seconds in which to prepare the follow-up scene, continuing conversations and drawing any necessary visuals on the fly. The player can either choose to follow along with the story the controller has created or attempt to break out of the confines of the script and force new angles. Sleep Is Death is available for PC and Mac at whatever price you are willing to pay. Since the game is a two-player experience, two copies of the game are provided with each purchase.

流光魅音 80 Auditorium
The music swells to a crescendo, but it requires a little direction to reach its full potential. In Auditorium, you are tasked with manipulating streams of sound into audio containers so that the gorgeous music will be released to reverberate in your eardrums. You have a number of tools at your disposal to help you with your work, ranging from arrows that alter the flow of the sound waves to repelling effects that will push the sound away from whatever area you choose. As you guide the flow of sound into an audio container, the music will begin to play quietly, and eventually the volume will rise as the container is filled to the top. Sound-streams of different colours are introduced as you progress through the chapters, leading to much tougher puzzles and solutions. Auditorium is a Flash game that is played on your web browser, thus it works with both PC and Mac. An iPhone version has also been released; a trial version is available that allows you to play the first chapter for free.

魔法使者 Caster
Giving a rookie soldier the task of destroying an entire army doesn’t sound like the greatest of plans. But this rookie isn’t just any new recruit—this is a Caster soldier, whose high-speed blasts of energy can demolish anything in their path. As the Flanx army storms across the plains of Middon, Caster’s hero must rush in and annihilate every soldier on the battlefield. As the enemy is destroyed, you’ll receive energy that can be used to upgrade your powers and provide new abilities. This game is all about feeling insanely powerful, and as you destroy whole plots of land in one fell swoop, it will be hard to deny that you’re a force to be reckoned with. Caster is available for PC, Mac, and the iPhone. One-man development team Mike Smith promises new episodes to come, and any additional content released will be free for anyone who purchased the original game.

布莱克威尔 1:遗产 80 The Blackwell Legacy
Rosangela Blackwell and Joey Mallone are an unlikely but well-suited duo, given that Rosa is a medium and Joey is no longer living. Together they investigate supernatural goings-on and help tormented spirits move on to the afterlife. The Blackwell Legacy is the first in a series of Blackwell games, and follows a mysterious series of suicides at a local university. Rosa and Joey are soon playing detective, speaking to the dead and unravelling exactly what is going on. Both characters are controlled separately and have their own special abilities—Joey is invisible, which allows him to spy on people, while Rosa can converse with suspects and witnesses. The story-based adventure feels very grown-up, with clever dialogue and an exciting plot. There are currently three games in the Blackwell series, and Blackwell Unbound and The Blackwell Convergence provide even more ghostly detective work. All three are available for PC, and can be bought together in a special Blackwell Bundle.

露塞提娅:道具屋经营妙方 82 Recettear: An Item Shop's Tale
Take a glimpse into the life of an RPG-item shopkeeper with Recettear, a satirical take on the RPG genre. A young girl called Recette is visited by a loan shark fairy and forced to open up an item shop in order to pay off a rather large debt. The girl doesn’t have many items to sell, and so must acquire the services of an adventurer who can enter dungeons full of nasty creatures and bring back tasty loot. Recette can then pack her shelves with wares in the hope that her punters will empty their wallets. The game successfully combines an adventuring style of play with shop management, and completes the package with a host of loveable characters and a very funny storyline. Available for PC, Recettear was originally released by Japanese developer EasyGameStation but later translated into English by localization company Carpe Fulgur. More than 100,000 copies have been sold.

灵气 80 Nimbus
It’s not often that puzzle and racing genres are combined in a game, but then again, it’s not often you come across a game like Nimbus. Players quickly navigate a small bouncing craft around a series of mazes, keeping the vessel aloft and gaining momentum by bumping into walls. The bouncy surfaces and handy cannons scattered around each level help greatly in reaching the goal. It’s never simple, however, with a multitude of spike traps and huge rolling balls ready to bring your journey abruptly to a halt. The racing element comes in when you complete a level, and your time is ranked against other people around the world. Finding shortcuts and shaving seconds off your time is the key to reaching those number one spots. Clever puzzles and entertaining, fast-paced level design provide the fun, while online scoreboards, hidden coins, and unlockable ships keep you coming back for more. Nimbus is available to purchase for PC.

我的世界 93 Minecraft: Java Edition
Recognised as one of the most successful and important indie games ever created, Minecraft is the vision of Swedish developer Markus “Notch” Persson. Players are given the opportunity to begin whatever adventure they see fit in its blocky world, and there’s an option to play online with friends and craft a world together. In this randomly-generated sandbox land, blocks can be broken down and used to build huge structures or be crafted into useful tools such as pickaxes, shovels, and weaponry. You can choose to create a home and model the surrounding areas as you like, or go on an epic journey where you’ll dig deep into the ground to look for hidden treasures. As night falls, nasty creatures will come out to play and threaten whatever you’ve created. At the time of writing, Minecraft was still in beta form, with a full release planned for sometime in 2011. Over one million copies of the game have been sold so far, and numerous communities and forums have popped up to assist players in their adventures.

机械迷城 88 Machinarium
You’d think that being taken apart and dumped on a scrapheap would spell the end for a robot, but our hero Josef has other plans. After reassembling his body and assessing the situation, he heads off to the city to seek his fortune. Machinarium is a point-and-click adventure game that follows Josef as he attempts to overthrow a plot to blow up the city. The robots of this world cannot talk, but instead communicate via whistling, grunting, and other humorous noises. The game is bursting with personality, and includes gorgeous hand-drawn scenes and characters, and endearing animations. There are lots of different kinds of puzzles to solve too, from working out combinations of button presses to using items in the correct areas. Machinarium won the Excellence In Visual Art Award at the 2009 Independent Games Festival and was released on PC and Mac. Developer Amanita Design is also hoping to release the game on the Nintendo Wii and Playstation 3.

超级食肉男孩 90 Super Meat Boy
Meat Boy’s girlfriend has been kidnapped by the evil Doctor Fetus, leaving our fearless, meaty hero to hotfoot his way through worlds full of spinning blades, deadly acid, and the occasional vat of salt. Meat Boy can run, jump, dodge, weave, and spring from wall to wall in the hope of reaching Bandage Girl at the end of each level, but more often than not he’ll miscalculate when he makes a leap and end up in the grinder. Fortunately, Meat Boy is a resilient sort of guy, and he’ll immediately be ready to tackle the level all over again. Super Meat Boy is an incredibly challenging game that throws seemingly impossible challenges your way constantly, and there is no better feeling than completing a particularly difficult level. The game features a serious amount of content, with over 300 levels to play (these include hidden “warp zones” and “minus worlds”). The Xbox version has extra chapters added periodically, and the PC and Mac editions come with a level editor, which will allow players to create their own fiendish creations for others to download.

坠落 75 Downfall
When Joe and Ivy Davis check in to the Quiet Haven hotel during a storm, they have no idea that they’ll soon be facing a night of horror. Joe wakes to find Ivy missing, and the situation starts getting very twisted. Downfall puts you in the shoes of an anxious and frightened Joe as he attempts to find his wife, and there are dark secrets and bloody scenes to be found every step of the way. In true adventure game style, you can interact with objects in each room and collect useful items that you utilize elsewhere to progress. With more than 70 hand-drawn areas to explore, and a chilling soundtrack to accompany the terror, Downfall is a mature adventure that will give you the creeps long after you quit the game. At certain intervals during play, you’ll be given options about what to do next, and your choices will determine the final ending that you receive. Downfall is a PC-only download.

音速冲浪 85 Audiosurf
Forget Guitar Hero and Rock Band—Audiosurf is the true way to play along with your music collection. The game reads whatever mp3 file you feed into it, and creates a rollercoaster-style highway for you to cruise. The type of level you get is determined by the pitch, tempo, and volume of your selected track. Faster, louder songs will get you a ride that spirals downwards at full force, while softer pieces will give you a smoother trip. As your ship zips along the track, coloured blocks will appear; if you collect three or more of the same colour, you’ll empty the gauge and bag some hard-earned points. There are various kinds of ships, and each will give you a different gameplay experience by altering the rules of play. There’s also a two-player co-op mode. Audiosurf was a huge success at the 2008 Independent Games Festival, winning both the Excellence In Audio and the Audience Awards. The game is available for PC, and a free version called Audiosurf Tilt is available from the Zune Marketplace.

特技摩托 2:第二版 Trials 2: Second Edition
Trials 2: Second Edition makes riding a real motorbike look like a walk in the park. The goal seems simple: finish the race without toppling over. But with the series of tough courses Trials throws at you, this is easier said than done. Players use the arrow keys to balance the bike, accelerate over jumps (carefully!), and hop over obstacles. The game is set on a two-dimensional plane, with a variety of boxes, makeshift ramps, and fire barrels to navigate around. Every time the bike slips and the rider’s head hits the floor, you’ll hear a crunching noise; the rider’s body will then curl up in various entertaining ways before you’re sent back to the last checkpoint. With dozens of tracks, global high scores, multiple gameplay modes, and tracked statistics, there’s lots of replay value to be found in this game. The original game, Trials, provided the inspiration for this very polished outfit (you can still play the original online for free). Trials 2: Second Edition is available for PC, and there is also a version of the game for the Xbox 360 called Trials HD.

Grappling Hook
You’re trapped in a series of metal chambers in space, and your only means of escape is your trusty laser grappling hook. Aim and fire it at any green surface to launch your hook in that direction, then either hold it to stay put, or let go and use the momentum to soar over danger. Presented from a first-person perspective and similar in style to classic action puzzler Portal, Grappling Hook oozes with creativity and provides hours of exciting quick-draw gameplay. Some situations will require that you fire the hook rapidly and cling to the ceiling to avoid death, while others will force you to take a leap of faith by diving to your (apparent) doom and hooking onto a panel at the last moment. You’ll need lots of precision-timed shots to survive, especially in the later levels. Each of the 31 levels has special challenges to complete, such as achieving perfect runs and reaching a goal in a set amount of time. There’s even a level editor to create your own impossible runs. Grappling Hook is available for purchase in both PC and Mac versions.

火车头冒险记 90 Windosill
Windosill is a magical voyage of exploration, during which the key to progression is simply playing around with your surroundings. Over a series of ten rooms, you’re presented with experimental play toys that must be solved in order to move your little chugging car along. Each room is even more surreal than the last, with strange creatures and abstract objects to touch, pull, and drag around the screen. Windosill is a calming sort of puzzler in that you are left to find the solutions to each scenario at your own pace, and each absurd environment is brimming with personality and colour. Once you’ve managed to find the small white cube, you place it in a gap above the small door so that your strange blocky car can continue on its journey. The first half of Windosill is completely free to play online. To access the second half, you’ll need to pay a small sum to obtain an activation code.

星系舰队 Flotilla
Have you ever fought against an armada of penguin bandits in the depths of space? Probably not, but have no fear—turn-based strategy game Flotilla is here to fill that void, providing oodles of strategic gameplay in a distinctly bizarre universe. Presented with a randomly populated arena, you’re tasked with sending your fleet to crush the opposition. It’s not that simple, though, as the enemy ships will only be damaged if they’re hit from below or from the rear. Consequently, you must position your ships so that they’re flanking the enemy, but at least you’ll have a three-dimensional area to soar through. Each new adventure is different, and features zany adversaries like crazed hippos and chicken pirates, which are positioned differently each time. The single-player campaign features multiple upgrades for your flotilla and online leaderboards to scale. Grab a friend, and you can either play through the campaign cooperatively or destroy each other in a head-to-head Skirmish battle. Flotilla can be downloaded for both PC and the Xbox 360.

火箭鸟:革命! Rocketbirds: Revolution!
The evil Penguin Empire has captured the city of Albatropolis, and a hero is desperately needed to remove the threat and free the civilians. Enter Hardboiled, a veteran Cock of War who jets in to kill El Putzki, leader of the Penguins. Rocketbirds: Revolution! crosses elements of the classic platformer Flashback with the Oddworld puzzle series. Hardboiled must run, leap, and shoot his way from behind enemy lines to accomplish his mission—although for the most part, stealth is his best friend. There are an assortment of puzzles to solve along the way, and you’ll have to have quick reactions to take down your adversaries before they get a shot in your direction. The game is brimming with personality thanks to gorgeous backdrops and animations, not to mention a slick intro video. Currently available for PC and Mac as a paid browser game, a special, updated version of Revolution! is also in the works. Rocketbirds: Reloaded! is coming to the Playstation 3 and PC, and will take the feedback received from players of the original game to expand and improve the concept.

深度挖掘 Delve Deeper
With your band of dwarven adventurers on the prowl for precious rubies and gems, those abandoned mines full to the brim with incredible wealth and lost treasures aren’t going to stay deserted for long. Delve Deeper is a quirky turn-based race to gather up as much gold as possible before the teams competing against you manage to line their pockets first. Each turn consists of digging deeper into the mountain, then guiding your dwarfs and their pickaxes to the nearest treasure. However, the competing teams are not your only worry—terrible monsters also lurk in the depths of the earth, and whenever a horde of creatures manages to enter your caverns, they’ll home straight in on your team. Yet monsters are not always a hindrance, as you can purposely lead beasts into your opponents’ camps to wreak havoc and buy you valuable time. Up to four players can take each other on via hotseat play on the same computer, or a single player can compete against AI-controlled teams. Delve Deeper is available for PC.

像素跑者:节奏 Bit.Trip Beat
Bit.Trip Beat is the first title in a series of tough rhythm games. With a resemblance to the classic arcade game Pong, the game requires you to stop coloured cubes from leaving the screen on the left-hand side by knocking them back with a paddle. The cubes do not approach randomly, however—they move in time with the music and arrive level with your paddle at each beat. As the tempo of the soundtrack ramps up, the cubes will come thick and fast, and you’ll need quick reactions, a steady hand, and a good sense of rhythm to ensure that every cube is caught. If you miss too many in quick succession, both the visuals and the music will devolve and make the game look and sound exactly like the ‘70s table tennis classic. There are six Bit.Trip games in total, each featuring a character called Commander Video who was part of the original viral marketing for the series. Bit.Trip Beat has PC, Mac, Nintendo Wii, and iPhone versions available for purchase.

洗脑管道 Brainpipe: A Plunge to Unhumanity
Take a trip into your subconscious with Brainpipe and find the Unhumanity Glyph, an ancient relic that will grant you the ability to trade your body in for a new alien form. If you’re looking for a trippy, psychedelic experience, you’ve come to the right place. As you travel down the Brainpipe, different obstacles will block your way that must be evaded by using your mouse. When the velocity ramps up, left click will become your best friend by slowing the action down for a moment so you can catch your breath and assess the situation. The visuals change constantly during play, going from bright, bouncy colours one moment to dark and eerie the next. Freaky groaning noises play as you careen down this mental tunnel. Make sure to grab the glowing glyphs and avoid the enemies along the way, else your journey to enlightenment will be cut short. Winner of the Excellence In Audio Award at the 2009 Independent Games Festival, Brainpipe is available for PC and Mac download.
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