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山顶洞人是一档由我们的朋友杨静策划并且主持的实验播客,它遵从路上录制,洞外剪辑的制作理念,在最有趣的大脑钻洞。征得她的同意,山顶洞人将在 indienova 同步发布。你也可以在网易云音乐,喜马拉雅,Google Play,iTunes,Spotify,DSL Collection 搜索山顶洞人进行收听。
#008 坚果兄弟:恶作剧式社会参与
这期节目有四个人登场,除了我,还有坚果兄弟的长期关注者、关心性小众议题的 Bayar,坚果的战友+女友「2B 妹子大师范儿」——协助他完成大量公共艺术项目,当然还有坚果。
Episode 008 Nutbrother: Playing pranks on the society
As a fast-growing country, China has encountered a lot of challenges in many social aspects. There are more and more contemporary artists from this country creatively and critically express their ideas and concerns through social art. Nutbrother is the most humorous one among them. Based in Shenzhen, the artist is curious how modern life is undergoing rapid changes in Chinese urban environments. Throughout the years he raised much social awareness for such topics as environmental protection, excessive consumerism, education gap between the city and the rural. He is also know as a savvy social media user that carryout a significant part of his practices on Douban, WeChat and Weibo. In this episode, Nutbrother walked me through many funny yet heavy moments in his creative life, and how he tries to conduct the kind of art practise separated from mainstream art circle but in the quotidian life of everyday China.