1.Prensky M (2007) Digital game-based learning. Paragon House—A book specifically for learning games, describing theoretical foundations and different application fields. It is a useful resource when creating educational games
Prensky M (2007) 《基于游戏的数字化学习》纽约佳作书屋出版社——一本专门介绍学习游戏的书,介绍了学习游戏的基础理论以及不同的应用领域。这对于教育类游戏的设计来说是一个有用资源。
2.Michael DR, Chen S (2006) Serious games: Games that educate, train and inform. Thomson Course Technology—Gives a broad overview of the field of serious games and is a good introductory lecture for readers new to the field.
Michael DR, Chen S (2006):《功能游戏:教育,训练和传达的游戏》Thomson Course Technology——针对功能游戏领域提供了一个视野广阔的概述,对于进入这个领域的新人读者来说是一个很好的介绍课程。
4.《游戏改变教育:数字游戏如何让我们的孩子变聪明》,拉夫·科斯特(Raph Koster)ISBN:9787567564688
7.Susi, T., Johannesson, M., Backlund, P.: Serious Games: An Overview. Institutionen för kommunikation och information, Skövde (2007).
Susi, T., Johannesson, M., Backlund, P.:《严肃游戏:概览》。舍夫德通讯与信息部(2007)
8. Fabricatore, C.: Learning and Videogames: anUnexploited Synergy. 2000 AECT National Convention - a recap. Secaucus, NJ:Springer Science + Business Media, Long Beach, CA (2000).
Fabricatore, C.: 《学习和电子游戏:未被发掘的额外效应》.2000
9.Yusoff, A., Crowder, R., Gilbert, L., Wills, G.: A Conceptual Framework for Serious Games. Proceedings of the 2009 Ninth IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. p. 21-23. IEEE Computer Society, Riga, Latvia (2009).
Yusoff, A., Crowder, R., Gilbert, L., Wills, G.:一个严肃游戏的概念框架。2009年IEEE(电气和电子工程师协会)第九分会-前沿学习技术论文集p. 21-23.IEEE 计算机协会,里加,拉脱维亚(2009)
10. Marfisi-Schottman, I., George, S., Frank, T.-B.: Tools and Methods for Efficiently Designing Serious Games. Proceedings of ECGBL 2010 The 4th European Conference on Games Based Learning. p. 226-234. , Danish School of Education Aarhus University, Copenhagen, Denmark(2010).
Marfisi-Schottman, I., George, S., Frank, T.-B.: 设计严肃游戏的有效方法和工具。2010年第第四届欧洲游戏化学习会议论文集(ECGBL:European Conference on Games Based Learning)
11.Marne, B., Huynh-Kim-Bang, B., Labat, J.-M.:Articuler motivation et apprentissage grâce aux
facettes du jeu sérieux. Actes de la conférence EIAH 2011. p. 69-80. Université de Mons,
Mons, Belgique (2011).
Marne, B., Huynh-Kim-Bang, B., Labat, J.-M.: 通过严肃游戏的多层面明确学习与动机。
Proceedings of the EIAH 2011 conference. P. 69-80. University of Mons,
Mons, Belgium (2011).
12.Paquette, G., Léonard, M., Lundgren-Cayrol,K., Mihaila, S., Gareau, D.: Learning Design based on GraphicalKnowledge-Modelling. Journal of Educational Technology and Society. 9,
97-112 (2006).
Paquette, G., Léonard, M., Lundgren-Cayrol, K., Mihaila, S., Gareau, D:《基于图解知识模型的学习设计》。学习技术和社会杂志。97-112 (2006).
Aldrich, C.: The complete guide to simulations and serious games: how the most valuable
content will be created in the age beyond Gutenberg to Google. John Wiley and Sons, San Francisco, CA, USA (2009).
Aldrich, C.: 《模拟系统与严肃游戏完全指南:从古登堡到谷歌时代,如何创造最有价值的内容》
14. Kelle, S., Klemke, R., Specht, M.: Designpatterns for learning games. International Journal of Technology EnhancedLearning. 3, 555 - 569 (2011).
Kelle, S., Klemke, R., Specht, M.:《教育游戏的设计模式》:国际科技增强式学习杂志(TEL).