Rain Games AS is a Norwegian independent video game developer forged from a cooperative community of local artists and programmers. Our team is diverse in both talents and interests, but we share a common goal: To create games that are fun and challenging. In 2013 we released Teslagrad, is a 2D puzzle platformer that has sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide.

Our most recent title is World to the West, an action-adventure game that takes place in the same world as Teslagrad, with four all-new characters thrust into a mysterious quest.


Mariela González(开发者/工作室)

Mariela González(专家)


Rain Games 获得身份认证:Mariela González 2017-07-28

Rain Games 获得身份认证:Mariela González 2017-07-26

Rain Games 公布了新的游戏:World to the West 2017-07-26

Rain Games 获得了成就:独立开发者 2017-07-26

Rain Games 公布了新的游戏:Teslagrad 2017-07-26

Rain Games 获得了成就:入门会员 2017-07-26

Rain Games 已经升至 2 级! 2017-07-26

Rain Games 关注了 老大汤 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 UME Game 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 鑫晴 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 秋名山酱油 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 文又歌 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 HENG 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 疯王子 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 很稳工作室 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 Humble Ray 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 joey1258 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 Alexander.Supertramp 2017-07-25

Rain Games 关注了 胡萝卜 2017-07-25