- 在Animator组件所在对象上挂载脚本
- 在脚本中编写接收事件通知的方法
- 在动画面板中为动画添加事件
- 在事件配置面板上下拉选择定义好的方法
public class AnimationEventDispatcher : MonoBehaviour { public bool isDebug = false; // 动画事件分发表,可以为每个动画事件注册对应的分发方法 private Dictionary<string, HashSet<Action<string>>> dispatchTable = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<Action<string>>>(); // 注册事件参数接收器 public void RegisterReceiver(string name, Action<string> callback) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { if (!dispatchTable.ContainsKey(name)) { dispatchTable[name] = new HashSet<Action<string>>(); } dispatchTable[name].Add(callback); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Cannot register Animation Event Receiver with empty name!"); } } // 反注册接收器 public void UnregisterReceiver(Action<string> callback) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { foreach (string name in dispatchTable.Keys) { dispatchTable[name].Remove(callback); } } } // 事件分发入口,配置动画事件时选择该方法 public void DispatchAnimationEvent(string name) { if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("Animator Event: " + name); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && dispatchTable.ContainsKey(name)) { HashSet<Action<string>> callbacks = dispatchTable[name]; foreach (Action<string> func in callbacks) { func.Invoke(name); } } } }
AnimationEventDispatcher dispatcher = animatorObject.GetComponent<AnimationEventDispatcher>(); dispatcher.RegisterReceiver("TestEvent", ev => { // 事件处理代码 });
public class AnimatorStateMachine : MonoBehaviour { public bool autoUpdate; public Animator Animator { get { return _animator; } } protected Animator _animator; // 状态更新代理方法集合 protected Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>> stateUpdateMethods = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>>(); // 状态进入代理方法集合 protected Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>> stateEnterMethods = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>>(); // 状态退出方法集合 protected Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>> stateExitMethods = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>>(); protected Dictionary<int, string> hashToAnimString; protected int[] _lastStateLayers; private void Awake() { _animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); _lastStateLayers = new int[_animator.layerCount]; } private void Update() { if (autoUpdate) { StateMachineUpdate(); } } // 每帧检查状态变化情况 protected virtual void StateMachineUpdate() { for (int layer = 0; layer < _lastStateLayers.Length; layer++) { int _lastState = _lastStateLayers[layer]; int stateId = _animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(layer).fullPathHash; if (_lastState != stateId) { if (stateExitMethods.ContainsKey(_lastState)) { foreach (Action action in stateExitMethods[_lastState]) { action.Invoke(); } } if (stateEnterMethods.ContainsKey(stateId)) { foreach (Action action in stateEnterMethods[stateId]) { action.Invoke(); } } } if (stateUpdateMethods.ContainsKey(stateId)) { foreach (Action action in stateUpdateMethods[stateId]) { action.Invoke(); } } _lastStateLayers[layer] = stateId; } } protected void InsertStateEnterMethod(int hash, Action method) { if (!stateEnterMethods.ContainsKey(hash)) { stateEnterMethods[hash] = new HashSet<Action>(); } stateEnterMethods[hash].Add(method); } protected void InsertStateUpdateMethod(int hash, Action method) { if (!stateUpdateMethods.ContainsKey(hash)) { stateUpdateMethods[hash] = new HashSet<Action>(); } stateUpdateMethods[hash].Add(method); } protected void InsertStateExitMethod(int hash, Action method) { if (!stateExitMethods.ContainsKey(hash)) { stateExitMethods[hash] = new HashSet<Action>(); } stateExitMethods[hash].Add(method); } // 注册状态进入方法 public void RegisterStateEnterMethod(string path, Action method) { int hash = Animator.StringToHash(path); hashToAnimString[hash] = path; InsertStateEnterMethod(hash, method); } // 注册状态更新方法 public void RegisterStateUpdateMethod(string path, Action method) { int hash = Animator.StringToHash(path); hashToAnimString[hash] = path; InsertStateUpdateMethod(hash, method); } // 注册状态退出方法 public void RegisterStateExitMethod(string path, Action method) { int hash = Animator.StringToHash(path); hashToAnimString[hash] = path; InsertStateExitMethod(hash, method); } }
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)] public class StateUpdateMethod : Attribute { public string state; public StateUpdateMethod(string state) { this.state = state; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)] public class StateEnterMethod : Attribute { public string state; public StateEnterMethod(string state) { this.state = state; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)] public class StateExitMethod : Attribute { public string state; public StateExitMethod(string state) { this.state = state; } }
[StateEnterMethod("Base.TestState")] public void TestEnter() { // 进入方法 } [StateUpdateMethod("Base.TestState")] public void TestEnter() { // 更新方法 } [StateExitMethod("Base.TestState")] public void TestEnter() { // 退出方法 }
// 自动搜索和注册属性修饰的方法 private void DiscoverStateMethods() { hashToAnimString = new Dictionary<int, string>(); var components = gameObject.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour>(); List<StateMethod> enterStateMethods = new List<StateMethod>(); List<StateMethod> updateStateMethods = new List<StateMethod>(); List<StateMethod> exitStateMethods = new List<StateMethod>(); foreach (var component in components) { if (component == null) continue; Type type = component.GetType(); MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod); foreach (var method in methods) { object[] attributes; attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StateUpdateMethod), true); foreach (StateUpdateMethod attribute in attributes) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == 0) { StateMethod sm = CreateStateMethod(attribute.state, method, component); InsertStateUpdateMethod(sm.stateHash, sm.method); } } attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StateEnterMethod), true); foreach (StateEnterMethod attribute in attributes) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == 0) { StateMethod sm = CreateStateMethod(attribute.state, method, component); InsertStateEnterMethod(sm.stateHash, sm.method); } } attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StateExitMethod), true); foreach (StateExitMethod attribute in attributes) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == 0) { StateMethod sm = CreateStateMethod(attribute.state, method, component); InsertStateExitMethod(sm.stateHash, sm.method); } } } } } protected virtual StateMethod CreateStateMethod(string state, MethodInfo method, MonoBehaviour component) { int stateHash = Animator.StringToHash(state); hashToAnimString[stateHash] = state; StateMethod stateMethod = new StateMethod(); stateMethod.stateHash = stateHash; stateMethod.method = () => { method.Invoke(component, null); }; return stateMethod; }
public class AnimatorStateMachine : MonoBehaviour { public bool isDebug = false; public bool autoUpdate; public Animator Animator { get { return _animator; } } protected Dictionary<string, HashSet<Action<string>>> dispatchTable = new Dictionary<string, HashSet<Action<string>>>(); protected Animator _animator; protected Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>> stateUpdateMethods = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>>(); protected Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>> stateEnterMethods = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>>(); protected Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>> stateExitMethods = new Dictionary<int, HashSet<Action>>(); protected Dictionary<int, string> hashToAnimString; protected int[] _lastStateLayers; private void Awake() { _animator = GetComponent<Animator>(); _lastStateLayers = new int[_animator.layerCount]; DiscoverStateMethods(); } private void Update() { if (autoUpdate) { StateMachineUpdate(); } } private void OnValidate() { DiscoverStateMethods(); } protected virtual void StateMachineUpdate() { for (int layer = 0; layer < _lastStateLayers.Length; layer++) { int _lastState = _lastStateLayers[layer]; int stateId = _animator.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(layer).fullPathHash; if (_lastState != stateId) { if (stateExitMethods.ContainsKey(_lastState)) { foreach (Action action in stateExitMethods[_lastState]) { action.Invoke(); } } if (stateEnterMethods.ContainsKey(stateId)) { foreach (Action action in stateEnterMethods[stateId]) { action.Invoke(); } } } if (stateUpdateMethods.ContainsKey(stateId)) { foreach (Action action in stateUpdateMethods[stateId]) { action.Invoke(); } } _lastStateLayers[layer] = stateId; } } private void DiscoverStateMethods() { hashToAnimString = new Dictionary<int, string>(); var components = gameObject.GetComponents<MonoBehaviour>(); List<StateMethod> enterStateMethods = new List<StateMethod>(); List<StateMethod> updateStateMethods = new List<StateMethod>(); List<StateMethod> exitStateMethods = new List<StateMethod>(); foreach (var component in components) { if (component == null) continue; Type type = component.GetType(); MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod); foreach (var method in methods) { object[] attributes; attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StateUpdateMethod), true); foreach (StateUpdateMethod attribute in attributes) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == 0) { StateMethod sm = CreateStateMethod(attribute.state, method, component); InsertStateUpdateMethod(sm.stateHash, sm.method); } } attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StateEnterMethod), true); foreach (StateEnterMethod attribute in attributes) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == 0) { StateMethod sm = CreateStateMethod(attribute.state, method, component); InsertStateEnterMethod(sm.stateHash, sm.method); } } attributes = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StateExitMethod), true); foreach (StateExitMethod attribute in attributes) { ParameterInfo[] parameters = method.GetParameters(); if (parameters.Length == 0) { StateMethod sm = CreateStateMethod(attribute.state, method, component); InsertStateExitMethod(sm.stateHash, sm.method); } } } } } protected virtual StateMethod CreateStateMethod(string state, MethodInfo method, MonoBehaviour component) { int stateHash = Animator.StringToHash(state); hashToAnimString[stateHash] = state; StateMethod stateMethod = new StateMethod(); stateMethod.stateHash = stateHash; stateMethod.method = () => { method.Invoke(component, null); }; return stateMethod; } protected void InsertStateEnterMethod(int hash, Action method) { if (!stateEnterMethods.ContainsKey(hash)) { stateEnterMethods[hash] = new HashSet<Action>(); } stateEnterMethods[hash].Add(method); } protected void InsertStateUpdateMethod(int hash, Action method) { if (!stateUpdateMethods.ContainsKey(hash)) { stateUpdateMethods[hash] = new HashSet<Action>(); } stateUpdateMethods[hash].Add(method); } protected void InsertStateExitMethod(int hash, Action method) { if (!stateExitMethods.ContainsKey(hash)) { stateExitMethods[hash] = new HashSet<Action>(); } stateExitMethods[hash].Add(method); } public void RegisterStateEnterMethod(string path, Action method) { int hash = Animator.StringToHash(path); hashToAnimString[hash] = path; InsertStateEnterMethod(hash, method); } public void RegisterStateUpdateMethod(string path, Action method) { int hash = Animator.StringToHash(path); hashToAnimString[hash] = path; InsertStateUpdateMethod(hash, method); } public void RegisterStateExitMethod(string path, Action method) { int hash = Animator.StringToHash(path); hashToAnimString[hash] = path; InsertStateExitMethod(hash, method); } public void RegisterReceiver(string name, Action<string> callback) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { if (!dispatchTable.ContainsKey(name)) { dispatchTable[name] = new HashSet<Action<string>>(); } dispatchTable[name].Add(callback); } else { Debug.LogWarning("Cannot register Animation Event Receiver with empty name!"); } } public void UnregisterReceiver(Action<string> callback) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { foreach (string name in dispatchTable.Keys) { dispatchTable[name].Remove(callback); } } } public void DispatchAnimationEvent(string name) { if (isDebug) { Debug.Log("Animator Event: " + name); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name) && dispatchTable.ContainsKey(name)) { HashSet<Action<string>> callbacks = dispatchTable[name]; foreach (Action<string> func in callbacks) { func.Invoke(name); } } } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)] public class StateUpdateMethod : Attribute { public string state; public StateUpdateMethod(string state) { this.state = state; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)] public class StateEnterMethod : Attribute { public string state; public StateEnterMethod(string state) { this.state = state; } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = true)] public class StateExitMethod : Attribute { public string state; public StateExitMethod(string state) { this.state = state; } } public class StateMethod { public int stateHash; public Action method; }