本文是 Jasper Flick 的 Unity 教程中的六边形网格地图系列教程的第三篇。
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单元格海拔 | Cell Elevation
我们已经将我们的地图分割为能够覆盖一个平面区域的众多单元格。现在我们需要让每一个单元格拥有自己的海拔高度。我们将设置离散的海拔高度,所以将其用 int 储存在 HexCell 类中。
public int elevation;
每一个连续的海拔高度的步长应该是多大呢?我们可以将其设定为一个 HexMetrics 类的常量,默认值为5,这将产生相当明显的效果。如果在做一个真实的游戏的话,我也许会选择小一点的步长。
public const float elevationStep = 5f;
编辑单元格 | Editing Cells
到目前为止,我们只能编辑单元格的颜色,然而现在,我们可以设置单元格的高度了。故 HexGrid.ColorCell 方法已经不够用了,而且我们以后将会为单元格添加更多的可编辑属性·。这将需要一个新的编辑函数。
将 ColorCel l 方法重命名为 GetCell 方法,并且让它返回指定位置的单元格而不是设置它的颜色。现在,它不会改变任何事情了,所以我们也不需要重新绘制单元格。
public HexCell GetCell (Vector3 position) { position = transform.InverseTransformPoint(position); HexCoordinates coordinates = HexCoordinates.FromPosition(position); int index = coordinates.X + coordinates.Z * width + coordinates.Z / 2; return cells[index]; }
现在将由编辑器来决定如何调整单元格。完成后,网格将被重新绘制。增加一个公有的 HexGrid.Refresh 方法来做这件事情。
public void Refresh () { hexMesh.Triangulate(cells); }
修改 HexMapEditor 类让其使用新的方法,并创建一个新的EditCell方法来编辑单元格并在随后刷新网格。
void HandleInput () { Ray inputRay = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); RaycastHit hit; if (Physics.Raycast(inputRay, out hit)) { EditCell(hexGrid.GetCell(hit.point)); } } void EditCell (HexCell cell) { cell.color = activeColor; hexGrid.Refresh(); }
int activeElevation; void EditCell (HexCell cell) { cell.color = activeColor; cell.elevation = activeElevation; hexGrid.Refresh(); }
就像是调整颜色一样,我们需要一个与 UI 组件绑定的方法来动态地调整海拔高度。我们将使用一个 Slider 滑块来从海拔高度范围内选择高度。因为 Slider 使用 float 类型,所以我们的方法需要一个 float 类型的参数,然后将其强转为 int。
public void SetElevation (float elevation) { activeElevation = (int)elevation; }
向 Canvas 添加一个 Slider 对象并将其设置为颜色选择 Panel 的子对象。将其设定为由下至上的垂直方向的 Slider 以便对应海拔高度。将其限定为整数并给定一个合理的范围,例如,从0到6。然后将 HexMapEditor 类的 SetElevation 方法注册到 OnValueChanged 事件上。确保从下拉列表里选择方法,那样它才会在 Sliver 数值改变时被调用。
实现海拔高度效果 | Visualizing Elevation
现在在编辑单元格的时候,我们既能设置其颜色又能设置其海拔高度了。不过虽然现在你可以在 Inspector 面板里看到其海拔高度的变化,但是三角剖分程序并不会绘制它。
我们需要做的就是在单元格高度变化时改变它逻辑上的竖直方向坐标。为了方便,我们将 HexCell.elevation 字段设为私有并添加一个公有的 HexCell.Elevation 属性。
public int Elevation { get { return elevation; } set { elevation = value; } } int elevation;
set { elevation = value; Vector3 position = transform.localPosition; position.y = value * HexMetrics.elevationStep; transform.localPosition = position; }
当然,这需要对 HexMapEditor.EditorCell 方法进行一些小小的改动。
void EditCell (HexCell cell) { cell.color = activeColor; cell.Elevation = activeElevation; hexGrid.Refresh(); }
网格碰撞器 MeshCollider 会适应新的高度么?
重新定位单元格标签 | Repositioning Cell Labels
到目前为止,UI 标签都是在创建时就被定位然后就被丢弃不管了。为了更新它们的竖直坐标,我们需要实时持有它们的对象。我们来给 HexCell 类添加上自己的 UI 标签的 RectTransform 的引用,以备以后更新它。
public RectTransform uiRect;
void CreateCell (int x, int z, int i) { … cell.uiRect = label.rectTransform; }
现在我们可以拓展 HexCell.Elevation 属性来修改单元格 UI 的坐标。因为单元格的 Canvas 已经被旋转过了,所以标签需要沿着 Z 轴负方向移动而不是 Y 轴正方向。
set { elevation = value; Vector3 position = transform.localPosition; position.y = value * HexMetrics.elevationStep; transform.localPosition = position; Vector3 uiPosition = uiRect.localPosition; uiPosition.z = elevation * -HexMetrics.elevationStep; uiRect.localPosition = uiPosition; }
创建斜坡 | Creating Slopes
下一步,我们将使单元格之间的连接转变为斜坡。这将在HexMesh.TriangulateConnection 方法中被实现。在边与边相连的地方,我们需要更改边界桥两个终点的高度坐标。
Vector3 bridge = HexMetrics.GetBridge(direction); Vector3 v3 = v1 + bridge; Vector3 v4 = v2 + bridge; v3.y = v4.y = neighbor.Elevation * HexMetrics.elevationStep;
在顶点相连的地方, 我们同样需要修改当前方向下一个方向的邻居的顶点的坐标。
if (direction <= HexDirection.E && nextNeighbor != null) { Vector3 v5 = v2 + HexMetrics.GetBridge(direction.Next()); v5.y = nextNeighbor.Elevation * HexMetrics.elevationStep; AddTriangle(v2, v4, v5); AddTriangleColor(cell.color, neighbor.color, nextNeighbor.color); }
阶梯状边界连接 | Terraced Edge Connections
笔直地斜坡瞅着并不好看,我们可以将其分割成阶梯状,《无尽的传说(Endless Legend)》就是这么做的。
我们可以在 HexMetrics 类中定义每个斜坡的台阶数。从中还可以得到连接的段数。
public const int terracesPerSlope = 2; public const int terraceSteps = terracesPerSlope * 2 + 1;
我们不能简单的对坐标进行直接插值,因为 Y 坐标只有在奇数段的时候才会改变,偶数段不会。否则我们将得到一个平面。我们来为 HexMetrics 类添加一个特殊的插值方法来实现它。
public static Vector3 TerraceLerp (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, int step) { return a; }
public const float horizontalTerraceStepSize = 1f / terraceSteps; public static Vector3 TerraceLerp (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, int step) { float h = step * HexMetrics.horizontalTerraceStepSize; a.x += (b.x - a.x) * h; a.z += (b.z - a.z) * h; return a; }
我们可以使用 (step + 1) / 2 来保证纵坐标只在奇数段被修改。如果我们使用整型来划分的话,这将会使数列1、2、3、4变为1、1、2、2。
public const float verticalTerraceStepSize = 1f / (terracesPerSlope + 1); public static Vector3 TerraceLerp (Vector3 a, Vector3 b, int step) { float h = step * HexMetrics.horizontalTerraceStepSize; a.x += (b.x - a.x) * h; a.z += (b.z - a.z) * h; float v = ((step + 1) / 2) * HexMetrics.verticalTerraceStepSize; a.y += (b.y - a.y) * v; return a; }
public static Color TerraceLerp (Color a, Color b, int step) { float h = step * HexMetrics.horizontalTerraceStepSize; return Color.Lerp(a, b, h); }
三角剖分 | Triangulation
因为对边界连接处的三角剖分将会复杂得多,所以我们将 HexMesh.TriangulateConnection 方法中的相关代码提取出来放到一个独立的方法中。我将会在注释中保存原来的代码以备以后参考。
void TriangulateConnection ( HexDirection direction, HexCell cell, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2 ) { … Vector3 bridge = HexMetrics.GetBridge(direction); Vector3 v3 = v1 + bridge; Vector3 v4 = v2 + bridge; v3.y = v4.y = neighbor.Elevation * HexMetrics.elevationStep; TriangulateEdgeTerraces(v1, v2, cell, v3, v4, neighbor); //AddQuad(v1, v2, v3, v4); //AddQuadColor(cell.color, neighbor.color); … } void TriangulateEdgeTerraces ( Vector3 beginLeft, Vector3 beginRight, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 endLeft, Vector3 endRight, HexCell endCell ) { AddQuad(beginLeft, beginRight, endLeft, endRight); AddQuadColor(beginCell.color, endCell.color); }
void TriangulateEdgeTerraces ( Vector3 beginLeft, Vector3 beginRight, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 endLeft, Vector3 endRight, HexCell endCell ) { Vector3 v3 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginLeft, endLeft, 1); Vector3 v4 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginRight, endRight, 1); Color c2 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginCell.color, endCell.color, 1); AddQuad(beginLeft, beginRight, v3, v4); AddQuadColor(beginCell.color, c2); }
AddQuad(beginLeft, beginRight, v3, v4); AddQuadColor(beginCell.color, c2); AddQuad(v3, v4, endLeft, endRight); AddQuadColor(c2, endCell.color);
AddQuad(beginLeft, beginRight, v3, v4); AddQuadColor(beginCell.color, c2); for (int i = 2; i < HexMetrics.terraceSteps; i++) { Vector3 v1 = v3; Vector3 v2 = v4; Color c1 = c2; v3 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginLeft, endLeft, i); v4 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginRight, endRight, i); c2 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginCell.color, endCell.color, i); AddQuad(v1, v2, v3, v4); AddQuadColor(c1, c2); } AddQuad(v3, v4, endLeft, endRight); AddQuadColor(c2, endCell.color);
Figure 2‑3连接处的所有台阶
现在所有的连接处都有两个台阶,或者是你在HexMetrics.terracesPerSlope 中对其设定的个数。我们还没有对顶点连接处设置台阶呢,一会儿我们再来做这件事。
连接类型 | Connection Types
public enum HexEdgeType { Flat, Slope, Cliff }
如何确定我们正在处理的是哪种连接呢?可以通过判断单元格的海拔高度来解决这一问题,为此我们为 HexMetrics 类添加一个方法。
public static HexEdgeType GetEdgeType (int elevation1, int elevation2) { }
public static HexEdgeType GetEdgeType (int elevation1, int elevation2) { if (elevation1 == elevation2) { return HexEdgeType.Flat; } }
public static HexEdgeType GetEdgeType (int elevation1, int elevation2) { if (elevation1 == elevation2) { return HexEdgeType.Flat; } int delta = elevation2 - elevation1; if (delta == 1 || delta == -1) { return HexEdgeType.Slope; } return HexEdgeType.Cliff; }
为了方便,我们同样为 HexCell 类添加一个 GetEdgeType 方法来获取其某个方向上的边界类型。
public HexEdgeType GetEdgeType (HexDirection direction) { return HexMetrics.GetEdgeType( elevation, neighbors[(int)direction].elevation ); }
限制阶梯的倾斜角度 | Limiting Terraces to Slopes
既然我们已经能够判断连接的种类了,我们就可以决定是否对其进行阶梯化。修改 HexMesh.TriangluateConnection 使其只为斜坡类型的连接插入台阶。
if (cell.GetEdgeType(direction) == HexEdgeType.Slope) { TriangulateEdgeTerraces(v1, v2, cell, v3, v4, neighbor); } //AddQuad(v1, v2, v3, v4); //AddQuadColor(cell.color, neighbor.color);
if (cell.GetEdgeType(direction) == HexEdgeType.Slope) { TriangulateEdgeTerraces(v1, v2, cell, v3, v4, neighbor); } else { AddQuad(v1, v2, v3, v4); AddQuadColor(cell.color, neighbor.color); }
阶梯化顶角连接 | Terraced Corner Connections
顶角连接处要比边界连接复杂得多,因为其涉及到三个单元格而不是两个。每个顶角还连接了三条边,它们可能是平地、斜坡亦或是绝壁。所以顶角有太多的可能性了。就像对边界连接处做的一样,我们要在 HexMesh 类里为顶角连接处创建新的三角剖分方法。
void TriangulateCorner ( Vector3 bottom, HexCell bottomCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { AddTriangle(bottom, left, right); AddTriangleColor(bottomCell.color, leftCell.color, rightCell.color); }
现在 TriangulateConnection 方法需要去计算出哪一个单元格的海拔最低。首先,检查正在被绘制的单元格的海拔是否比其邻居低,或者并列最低。如果是的话我们会将其复制给 bottom。
void TriangulateConnection ( HexDirection direction, HexCell cell, Vector3 v1, Vector3 v2 ) { … HexCell nextNeighbor = cell.GetNeighbor(direction.Next()); if (direction <= HexDirection.E && nextNeighbor != null) { Vector3 v5 = v2 + HexMetrics.GetBridge(direction.Next()); v5.y = nextNeighbor.Elevation * HexMetrics.elevationStep; if (cell.Elevation <= neighbor.Elevation) { if (cell.Elevation <= nextNeighbor.Elevation) { TriangulateCorner(v2, cell, v4, neighbor, v5, nextNeighbor); } } } }
如果内部的检测没有通过,这说明 nextNeighbor 是最低的单元格。我们需要将参数顺序逆时针旋转来保证上文中我们规定的单元格顺序。
if (cell.Elevation <= neighbor.Elevation) { if (cell.Elevation <= nextNeighbor.Elevation) { TriangulateCorner(v2, cell, v4, neighbor, v5, nextNeighbor); } else { TriangulateCorner(v5, nextNeighbor, v2, cell, v4, neighbor); } }
if (cell.Elevation <= neighbor.Elevation) { if (cell.Elevation <= nextNeighbor.Elevation) { TriangulateCorner(v2, cell, v4, neighbor, v5, nextNeighbor); } else { TriangulateCorner(v5, nextNeighbor, v2, cell, v4, neighbor); } } else if (neighbor.Elevation <= nextNeighbor.Elevation) { TriangulateCorner(v4, neighbor, v5, nextNeighbor, v2, cell); } else { TriangulateCorner(v5, nextNeighbor, v2, cell, v4, neighbor); }
三角形有两个临边都是斜坡的情况 | Slope Triangulation
我了确定如何对三角形连接处进行阶梯化,我们需要知道它的边界类型。为此我们需要在 HexCell 类中创建一个新的方法来判断单元格之间的连接类型。
public HexEdgeType GetEdgeType (HexCell otherCell) { return HexMetrics.GetEdgeType( elevation, otherCell.elevation ); }
在 HexMesh.TriangulateCorner 方法中调用这个新的方法来判断左右临边的连接类型。
void TriangulateCorner ( Vector3 bottom, HexCell bottomCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { HexEdgeType leftEdgeType = bottomCell.GetEdgeType(leftCell); HexEdgeType rightEdgeType = bottomCell.GetEdgeType(rightCell); AddTriangle(bottom, left, right); }
如果两个临边都是斜坡的话,我们就可以对其进行阶梯化了。而且,因为 bottom 永远都是最低的那个单元格,所以我们很容易判断斜坡的方向。此外,因为左右两个临边都是斜坡,所以顶端的连接处一定是平地。我们将这种情况称为 SSF (左右上)。
检测我们是否处于这种情况,如果是的话就调用新的 TriangulateCornerTerraces 方法,然后直接返回。将判断语句放在原先的三角剖分代码之前,以便其他情况下依旧能按照原来的方式绘制三角形。
void TriangulateCorner ( Vector3 bottom, HexCell bottomCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { HexEdgeType leftEdgeType = bottomCell.GetEdgeType(leftCell); HexEdgeType rightEdgeType = bottomCell.GetEdgeType(rightCell); if (leftEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell); return; } } AddTriangle(bottom, left, right); AddTriangleColor(bottomCell.color, leftCell.color, rightCell.color); } void TriangulateCornerTerraces ( Vector3 begin, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { }
因为我们在 TriangulateCornerTerraces 方法中还什么都没做,所以 SSF 情况下的三角形连接处留下了一个空洞。
void TriangulateCornerTerraces ( Vector3 begin, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { Vector3 v3 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(begin, left, 1); Vector3 v4 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(begin, right, 1); Color c3 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginCell.color, leftCell.color, 1); Color c4 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginCell.color, rightCell.color, 1); AddTriangle(begin, v3, v4); AddTriangleColor(beginCell.color, c3, c4); }
AddTriangle(begin, v3, v4); AddTriangleColor(beginCell.color, c3, c4); AddQuad(v3, v4, left, right); AddQuadColor(c3, c4, leftCell.color, rightCell.color);
AddTriangle(begin, v3, v4); AddTriangleColor(beginCell.color, c3, c4); for (int i = 2; i < HexMetrics.terraceSteps; i++) { Vector3 v1 = v3; Vector3 v2 = v4; Color c1 = c3; Color c2 = c4; v3 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(begin, left, i); v4 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(begin, right, i); c3 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginCell.color, leftCell.color, i); c4 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginCell.color, rightCell.color, i); AddQuad(v1, v2, v3, v4); AddQuadColor(c1, c2, c3, c4); } AddQuad(v3, v4, left, right); AddQuadColor(c3, c4, leftCell.color, rightCell.color);
SSF情况的变体 | Dual-slope Variants
if (leftEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell); return; } if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Flat) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(left, leftCell, right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell); return; } } if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { if (leftEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Flat) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell); return; } }
融合缓坡与绝壁 | Merging Slopes and Cliffs
void TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff ( Vector3 begin, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ){ }
它将在 TriangulateCorner 方法中左侧是缓坡情况下的最后被调用。
if (leftEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell); return; } if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Flat) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(left, leftCell, right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell); return; } TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell); return; } if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { if (leftEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Flat) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell); return; } }
底部 | The Bottom Part
void TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff ( Vector3 begin, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { float b = 1f / (rightCell.Elevation - beginCell.Elevation); Vector3 boundary = Vector3.Lerp(begin, right, b); Color boundaryColor = Color.Lerp(beginCell.color, rightCell.color, b); }
float b = 1f / (rightCell.Elevation - beginCell.Elevation); Vector3 boundary = Vector3.Lerp(begin, right, b); Color boundaryColor = Color.Lerp(beginCell.color, rightCell.color, b); AddTriangle(begin, left, boundary); AddTriangleColor(beginCell.color, leftCell.color, boundaryColor);
float b = 1f / (rightCell.Elevation - beginCell.Elevation); Vector3 boundary = Vector3.Lerp(begin, right, b); Color boundaryColor = Color.Lerp(beginCell.color, rightCell.color, b); Vector3 v2 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(begin, left, 1); Color c2 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginCell.color, leftCell.color, 1); AddTriangle(begin, v2, boundary); AddTriangleColor(beginCell.color, c2, boundaryColor);
>AddTriangle(begin, v2, boundary); AddTriangleColor(beginCell.color, c2, boundaryColor); AddTriangle(v2, left, boundary); AddTriangleColor(c2, leftCell.color, boundaryColor);
AddTriangle(begin, v2, boundary); AddTriangleColor(beginCell.color, c2, boundaryColor); for (int i = 2; i < HexMetrics.terraceSteps; i++) { Vector3 v1 = v2; Color c1 = c2; v2 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(begin, left, i); c2 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginCell.color, leftCell.color, i); AddTriangle(v1, v2, boundary); AddTriangleColor(c1, c2, boundaryColor); } AddTriangle(v2, left, boundary); AddTriangleColor(c2, leftCell.color, boundaryColor);
Figure 5‑7最终效果
完成顶点连接处 | Completing the Corner
void TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff ( Vector3 begin, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { float b = 1f / (rightCell.Elevation - beginCell.Elevation); Vector3 boundary = Vector3.Lerp(begin, right, b); Color boundaryColor = Color.Lerp(beginCell.color, rightCell.color, b); TriangulateBoundaryTriangle(begin, beginCell, left, leftCell, boundary, boundaryColor); } void TriangulateBoundaryTriangle ( Vector3 begin, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 boundary, Color boundaryColor ) { Vector3 v2 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(begin, left, 1); Color c2 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginCell.color, leftCell.color, 1); AddTriangle(begin, v2, boundary); AddTriangleColor(beginCell.color, c2, boundaryColor); for (int i = 2; i < HexMetrics.terraceSteps; i++) { Vector3 v1 = v2; Color c1 = c2; v2 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(begin, left, i); c2 = HexMetrics.TerraceLerp(beginCell.color, leftCell.color, i); AddTriangle(v1, v2, boundary); AddTriangleColor(c1, c2, boundaryColor); } AddTriangle(v2, left, boundary); AddTriangleColor(c2, leftCell.color, boundaryColor); }
void TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff ( Vector3 begin, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { float b = 1f / (rightCell.Elevation - beginCell.Elevation); Vector3 boundary = Vector3.Lerp(begin, right, b); Color boundaryColor = Color.Lerp(beginCell.color, rightCell.color, b); TriangulateBoundaryTriangle(begin, beginCell, left, leftCell, boundary, boundaryColor); if (leftCell.GetEdgeType(rightCell) == HexEdgeType.Slope) { TriangulateBoundaryTriangle(left, leftCell, right, rightCell, boundary, boundaryColor); } else { AddTriangle(left, right, boundary); AddTriangleColor(leftCell.color, rightCell.color, boundaryColor); } }
镜像情况 | The Mirror Cases
void TriangulateCornerCliffTerraces ( Vector3 begin, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { float b = 1f / (leftCell.Elevation - beginCell.Elevation); Vector3 boundary = Vector3.Lerp(begin, left, b); Color boundaryColor = Color.Lerp(beginCell.color, leftCell.color, b); TriangulateBoundaryTriangle(right, rightCell, begin, beginCell, boundary, boundaryColor); if (leftCell.GetEdgeType(rightCell) == HexEdgeType.Slope) { TriangulateBoundaryTriangle(left, leftCell, right, rightCell, boundary, boundaryColor); } else { AddTriangle(left, right, boundary); AddTriangleColor(leftCell.color, rightCell.color, boundaryColor); } }
将这种情况添加到 TriangulateCorner 方法中。
if (leftEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { … } if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { if (leftEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Flat) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell); return; } TriangulateCornerCliffTerraces(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell); return; }
双绝壁的情况 | Double Cliffs
三角形连接处唯一一种没有平地边的情况就是那些最低单元格的两条临边都是绝壁的时候。这时候顶边会出现三种情况,平地、缓坡和绝壁。我们只对 CCS 这种情况感兴趣,因为只有在这种情况下三角形才需要被阶梯化。
事实上,存在两种不同的 CCS 版本,一种右侧单元格更高、一种左侧更高。我们分别将其称为 CCSR 和 CCSL。
Figure 5‑11 CCSR & CCSL
我们可以通过在 TriangulateCorner 以不同的参数顺序调用 TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff 方法来实现这两种情况。
if (leftEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { … } if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { … } if (leftCell.GetEdgeType(rightCell) == HexEdgeType.Slope) { if (leftCell.Elevation < rightCell.Elevation) { TriangulateCornerCliffTerraces(right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell); } else { TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff(left, leftCell, right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell); } return; }
void TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff ( Vector3 begin, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { float b = 1f / (rightCell.Elevation - beginCell.Elevation); if (b < 0) { b = -b; } … } void TriangulateCornerCliffTerraces ( Vector3 begin, HexCell beginCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { float b = 1f / (leftCell.Elevation - beginCell.Elevation); if (b < 0) { b = -b; } … }
整理代码 | Cleanup
我们来整理一下 TriangulateCorner 方法,用 else if 取代 return。
void TriangulateCorner ( Vector3 bottom, HexCell bottomCell, Vector3 left, HexCell leftCell, Vector3 right, HexCell rightCell ) { HexEdgeType leftEdgeType = bottomCell.GetEdgeType(leftCell); HexEdgeType rightEdgeType = bottomCell.GetEdgeType(rightCell); if (leftEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell); } else if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Flat) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(left, leftCell, right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell); } else { TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell); } } else if (rightEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Slope) { if (leftEdgeType == HexEdgeType.Flat) { TriangulateCornerTerraces(right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell); } else { TriangulateCornerCliffTerraces(bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell, right, rightCell); } } else if (leftCell.GetEdgeType(rightCell) == HexEdgeType.Slope) { if (leftCell.Elevation < rightCell.Elevation) { TriangulateCornerCliffTerraces(right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell, left, leftCell); } else { TriangulateCornerTerracesCliff(left, leftCell, right, rightCell, bottom, bottomCell); } } else { AddTriangle(bottom, left, right); AddTriangleColor(bottomCell.color, leftCell.color, rightCell.color); } }
最后一个 else 涵盖了剩余的所有情况。它们分别是 FFF、CCF、CCCR 和 CCCL。这些情况下三角形都不需要被阶梯化。
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