Interplay, 1988
MS-DOS, Apple II, C64 和 Windows*
Interplay, 1988
MS-DOS, Apple II, C64 and Windows*

当年,我差点与 EB 游戏公司货架上的《废土》擦肩而过。当时的我把店内所有的 CRPG 给打了了个遍,很多都是来自 Interplay, SSI, Origin 这些大公司的作品——比如《巫师神冠(Wizard's Crown)》,《冰城传奇(Bard's Tale)》,《创世纪(Ultima)》,《永恒之刃(Eternal Dagger)》,《魔法门(Might and Magic)》……到最后只剩《废土》没有被我玩过了。
但其实我不想买它,它看起来是个奇怪的游戏。但之后有两件事改变了我的想法:《冰城传奇》的角色截图被印在废土的封底,同时还有 Interplay 这个名字。我爱死了《冰城传奇》,我也愿意相信 Interplay 公司和 Brian Fargo(布莱恩・法戈)。当我回到家,把这部《辐射》的精神前作塞进我的 Commodore 64 后,我才发现我已经完全沉迷于这个充满独特想象力的核战后世界里了。
在游戏中,我作为沙漠游骑兵(Desert Ranger)的一员,和一个喝了蛇酒(Snake Squeezins)就能看见未来的醉汉打过交道,把我的队友挨个克隆一遍(!),修好了一个烤面包机,能操作榴弹炮,因为一个有三条腿的妓女而身患废土疱疹,更不用说和大一堆奇奇怪怪的敌人战斗了——从杀人机器人、巨型害虫、皮衣匪徒,甚至于用自己的生命来发光发亮的辐射天使。
I almost passed on Wasteland on the shelf of EB Games way back when. Like, way way back when. I had tried almost every other CRPG in the store, from the big companies like Interplay, SSI, Origin checked out their games from Wizard's Crown, Bard's Tale, Ultima, Eternal Dagger, Might and Magic... until Wasteland was the only thing left in the store.
Yet I didn't want to get it. It looked weird. Finally, two things lured me in: the Bard's Tale character layout screenshot on the back cover, and the Interplay name. I loved Bard's Tale, I trusted Interplay, and I trusted Brian Fargo. And when I sat down and plugged in this spiritual ancestor to Fallout into my Commodore 64, I could not stop exploring this unique, highly imaginative world devastated by nuclear war.
I upheld Desert Ranger justice, communed with a drunken hobo who saw the future in Snake Squeezins, cloned my party members (!), repaired toasters, fired howitzers, got wasteland herpes from a three-legged hooker, and fought a menagerie of enemies from killer robots, giant garden pests and leather jerks to rad angels that glowed with a life of their own.
* 2013 年,InXile 重新发售了老版《废土》,重新制作了配乐和美术效果,也包括了游戏原有的所有文本,现在游玩不再需要检查老游戏附赠的手册了。
*Wasteland was re-released in 2013 by InXile, featuring a new soundtrack and reworked art. It also included all the text in the game itself, with no need to check paragraphs in the manual anymore.

《废土》源自桌面 RPG 游戏,游戏中存在 7 种属性和 30 多种技能,但并非所有技能都同样有用
Heavily derived from tabletop RPGs, Wasteland features seven attributes and over 30 skills, but not all of them are equally useful.
到了最后,我都不想打通这个游戏(通关后其实也还能继续游玩)。我惊呆了,我没想过 CRPG 可以是这样的。到现在我在游戏设计过程中仍然会借鉴《废土》的机制,优秀的环境营造和 RPG 系统一起创造了《废土》那令人惊讶的完美情节。
《废土》的任务与事件设计相当新颖有趣,主线任务到游戏进程的一半时才完全展现在玩家面前,但之后仍有很多内容会让你能继续探索。游戏的 NPC 早在第一关时会对玩家的行为表现出相应反应,这个机制能提醒玩家身处的世界是多么的残酷。
《废土》内存在着一个较为平缓的学习曲线,当时的其他 RPG 游戏根本没有这种设定。首先反映在它的角色创建上,与包含佣兵、间谍、侦探要素的桌游类似,技能与属性设定系统比《冰城传奇》的要更显复杂,但更加灵活和宽泛。比如我可以当个喜欢扔刀子的俄罗斯炸药专家,而不仅仅只拘泥于“战士”,其职业的可开发性更为出色。
At the end... I didn't want it to end (you can keep playing, too!). I was floored. I didn't realise CRPGs could be this way. I still refer to Wasteland's mechanics in game design, a brilliant blend of area design context and RPG systems used to create amazing scenarios.
Wasteland has numerous strengths and weaknesses, but the strengths definitely overshadow the weaknesses. The area design, ambiance, the system spread and applications, and the narrative itself were top-notch, while the system balance, attribute use, healing and the rare application of the ability to divide your party diminished the experience somewhat.
The narrative shines through in the game content itself, and also in the well-written (and amusingly so) narrative book included in the game, filled with richly described characters. The wasteland is simply an amazing blend of raider-occupied towns, mutant agricultural centers, robot factories, Las Vegas and even the inside of an android's brain, where I almost feared the game had jumped the shark.
The quests and encounters there are innovative and interesting, and although the overall quest doesn't kick into full gear until over halfway through the game, there's plenty to keep you going. The people of the world respond to your actions, even as soon as the first area of the campaign, and remind you of the harsh world that you've found yourself in.
Wasteland comes with a slight learning curve not present in other RPGs at the time, reflected first in its character creation. Loosely based on the Mercenaries, Spies and Private Eyes tabletop RPG, its skill-based and attribute-based system was a bit more complex than say, Bard's Tale, but allowed for a richer character role-playing. If I wanted to create a Russian explosives expert who liked to throw knives, I could. And that was a much richer development tree than “Fighter.”
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明