Basilisk Games, 2007
Windows, Linux 和 Mac
Basilisk Games, 2007
Windows, Linux and Mac

当一名独立游戏开发者开始谈及他在 2005 年开发的一款老式奇幻 RPG 时,绝大部分人都不大会相信他能成功。但出乎所有人意料的是,他不仅发行了《阿斯卡隆:第一章(Eschalon: Book 1)》,而且还成功推出了两部续作。
“老派”一词便很好地概括了这款游戏。SVGA[1] 图形、繁琐的回合制界面并且基本上没啥明显的魅力让它看起来像是从 1992 年直挺挺地走出来的一样。但这款游戏只需你花上一分钟的时间来把玩,它便会迸发出它真正的魔力。《阿斯卡隆》有着一套精心设计的技能系统,该系统为各种谜题提供了多种的解决办法。
游戏机制遵循了一套简单清晰的规则并且浅显易懂,尤其值得大书特书的是他们居然能作出能如此契合《神偷》风格(thief-like)的角色,这在其他的 RPG 中可不多见。游戏中的门锁设计成了多种样式并且分为不同的等级,但大多数情况下仅靠蛮力就能把门锁砸开。
When a lone developer started talking about this old-school fantasy RPG that he was working on back in 2005, most people didn't believe he could pull it off. Much to everyone's surprise, he not only released Eschalon: Book 1, but also managed to release two more sequels.
“Old-school” describes the game pretty well, it looks like it walked straight in out of 1992. SVGA graphics, a clunky turn-based interface and very little in obvious charm. But give the game a minute of your time and its true magic will show itself. Eschalon boasts an elaborate skill system that allows for several solutions to various problems.
The game mechanics follow clear and simple formulas and are easy to grasp, with special mention to how they seem to cater to thief-like characters, which is uncommon in RPGs. Locks sport various designs and levels of quality, but in many cases they can also just be smashed open with brute force.
The setting feels unimpressive and clichéd at first, starting with the tired trope of an amnesiac protagonist that wakes up in a ruined house.
《阿斯卡隆:第一章》为庆祝发售 10 周年纪念,于 2017 年正式免费,你能在这里下载到它。
Eschalon: Book I became entirely free in 2017, in celebration of its 10th anniversary. You can download it here.

Light is very important in Eschalon, and its pitch-black nights and dark dungeons make torches essential equipment.
高自由度的探索可能是《阿斯卡隆》最大的特色,游戏中几乎没有迫使玩家遵从预设道路前行的人为障碍。正相反,游戏选择了通过与 NPC 对话和阅读文本向玩家提供旅行建议这种更加自然的方法。只有在极少数情况下,游戏中才会出现阻挡玩家进一步前进的大门,而且走进一些人迹罕至的小道往往没啥坏处。
为了易于探索,《阿斯卡隆》提供了一套详尽的自动化地图系统,但需要在制图技能上加技能点才能够使用它。遗憾的是游戏中没有可招募来协助玩家的角色,尽管角色的对话文本还不赖,但我仍然觉得 NPC 只不过是用来分派任务和销售商品的工具人。值得欣慰的至少有些任务有着多种的解决方案。
A cryptic chain of letters guides him onto the main quest which involves four powerful gemstones, and soon enough he's travelling across the lands, invading goblin strongholds and dwarven fortresses in order to prevent a cataclysm from taking place.
Probably the greatest feature of Eschalon is the freedom of exploration, there are very few artificial barriers in place to force a player along a pre-determined path. Instead the game opts for the more organic approach of giving travel advice via NPC conversations and readables. Only rarely are gates used to block further progress, and walking off the beaten path is often rewarding.
To help with the exploring, Eschalon sports a detailed automapping system, but asks that skill points be invested in the Cartography skill to use it. Sadly, there are no recruitable characters to help the player, and while character dialogues aren't badly written I still couldn't shake the feeling that NPCs were little more than quest dispensers or shopkeepers. At least some quests allow for multiple solutions.
But the bread and butter of the game is the combat. The turn-based system allows for a tactical approach, with the environment playing a vital role. Gates can be slammed down on monsters' heads and traps can be laid down in tight passages. Light, sound and line of sight also play a role, and, while other games make darkness your enemy, here it can be made an ally. With little effort, any character can become a proverbial ninja, striking unseen.
But, unfortunately, Eschalon's versatile system is unbalanced to the point of being broken. Most of the spells in Eschalon outright replace various skills and equipment, rather than being sidegrades or buffs. Mage characters become nigh-unstoppable powerhouses as a result.
1 译者注:SVGA,即高级视频图形阵列(Super Video Graphics Array或Super VGA)。它第一次制定与 1989 年是 IBM 用来扩充 1987 年推出的 VGA 标准而提出的新标准。分辨率为 800x600。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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