New World Computing, 1998
New World Computing, 1998

在经历了五年的沉寂之后,NWC 终于再次回归到魔法门上,并将玩家从平面的席恩(Xeen)[1] 世界带到了三维的恩洛斯(Enroth)大陆,这也是前两部《英雄无敌(Heroes of Might and Magic)》的故事发生地。
《魔法门 6:天堂之令(Might and Magic VI: The Mandate of Heaven)》[2] 相较前作进行了大刀阔斧的改革,其摒弃了前面几款游戏基于网格的 2D 世界,取而代之的是更加现代化的 3D 自由探索世界。像是《毁灭战士》这些早期的第一人称射击游戏一样,该引擎呈现出 3D 的游戏环境以及 2D 的敌方单位。
After a five-year hiatus, New World Computing returns to Might and Magic, leaving behind the flat world of Xeen to bring the series to the three-dimensional continent of Enroth, home to the first two Heroes of Might and Magic games.
A radically different game, Might and Magic VI eschews the 2D, grid-based world of its predecessors in favour of a more modern 3D free-roaming world. Similar to early FPS titles like Doom, the engine renders 3D environments and 2D enemy sprites.
The game is primarily played in real time and features a day-and-night cycle, with an in-game minute passing every two seconds. Actions such as travel, rest and training advance the clock by hours or days at a time, and the game's shops, stables and ships abide by a rigid schedule: most businesses close overnight, and travel services only run their routes on specific days of the week. Your party will need to occasionally stop to rest and eat; they'll press on if you let them, but their condition will deteriorate over time, leading to exhaustion and even death! In spite of this, managing time in-game isn't difficult, and adds to a sense of immersion.
在星云两部曲之后,NWC 制作了衍生系列《魔法门之英雄无敌(Heroes of Might and Magic)》,在此之后,魔法门系列的 RPG 与之相比便黯然失色了。
After releasing the Xeen duology, NWC created the Heroes of Might and Magic spin-off series, fantasy strategy games that over time became more popular than the main M&M RPG series itself.

你可以雇佣最多两名 NPC 来帮助你,他们不参与战斗,但是可以提供法术、技能以及一些被动加成。然而,他们会从你得到的钱里面抽一部分分红。
You can hire up to two NPCs to help you. They don't fight, but can offer spells, skills and passive bonuses. However, they'll take a percentage of all the money you find.
《魔法门 6》中的战斗系统融合了实时战斗和回合制玩法,而且玩家通常会与几十个敌人相抗衡。即时战斗的过程非常忙碌但是也让人热血沸腾:玩家经常会向后跑,一边躲避飞来的投射物,一边向前进的一大群敌人倾泻咒语和弓箭。
你的队伍有四名人类冒险家组成,他们每人都能选择六种职业中的一种。《魔法门 6》使用了一种经典的机制,即导师培训技能的机制,一些专家级别的导师经常隐藏在一些不起眼的地方。角色可以自由掌控他们职业中的任一项技术,也可以在他们可用的法师学校学习一些法术。
Combat in Might and Magic VI is a hybrid between real-time and turn-based gameplay, and generally takes place against dozens of enemies at a time. Real-time combat can be hectic, but exciting: a player might often find themselves running backwards, evading incoming projectiles while pumping spells and arrows into the advancing horde.
At any time, pressing Enter toggles a turnbased mode, leading to a more tactical experience. While turn-based mode is switched on, the party may not move, but the player has time to make more deliberate choices during combat. A player might find themselves gravitating to either real-time or turnbased combat, or mixing them: both modes have their advantages, and are viable in most situations.
Your party consists of four human adventurers, who can specialise in one of six different classes. M&M VI introduced the now-classic formula of seeking trainers to improve your skills, with the skill masters being hidden in obscure places. Characters are free to master any skill their class has access to, and can learn any spell in their available spell schools.
However, there are a significant number of spells which don't scale well into the later game, or simply don't work at all! Later M&M games fix these issues, but place more limits on which spells a class can learn, and which skills they can master. As a result, character classes in this game are less specialised and more homogeneous than in its sequels, but the player has more freedom to develop them as they see fit.
The balance tends to favour spell-casting classes, due in part to the raw power of Light and Dark magic and the sheer utility of Water and Air. Physical classes quickly drop off in power, but their survivability can save the party, and they tend to have more points to spend on non-combat skills like Repair.
1 译者注:《魔法门 4:星云之谜(Might and Magic IV: Clouds of Xeen)》和《魔法门 5:黑暗星云(Might and Magic V: Darkside of Xeen)》并称星云两部曲。
2 译者注:《魔法门 6》的本地化在当时可以说是相当厉害,配音与文字以及各种俚语全部翻译成了中文。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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