Supergiant Games, 2017
Windows, macOS, Linux 和 PS4
Supergiant Games, 2017
Windows, macOS, Linux and PS4

当把一项运动改编成电子游戏时,叙事通常不是重点。像《麦登橄榄球》(Madden)或《FIFA》这样的游戏在开发时会更关注模拟方面,虽然最近几部也尝试在模拟经营中加入故事模式,但故事从来都不是焦点所在。《柴堆》(Pyre)另辟蹊径,通过创造了属于自己的运动来实现一个重剧情的体育游戏,这项运动与故事以及视觉小说和 RPG 机制很好地洁合在了一起。
When adapting a sport into a video game, storytelling is usually not a top priority. Developers of games like Madden or FIFA are more interested in the simulation aspects and, despite some recent attempts to add a story mode to these franchises, it is never the main focus. Pyre on the other hand, tackles the idea of having a story-heavy sports game by creating their own sport, one that works well with the story it's trying to tell along with its visual-novel and RPG mechanics.
The sport itself is some sort of magic basketball, in a fantasy world full of different races, each bringing its own skills and play styles (being very quick, able to fly, earn more points per goal, etc). In many ways, Pyre tries to be a more pure sports game, the matches have narration and there's even some sort of championship going on with seasons and rankings. The game even has a separate local multiplayer mode.
You embody a faceless character which acts as some sort of manager and travels along the world with a party of players, playing against other teams and gathering new members along the way. They're not just playing for the sport though, everyone participating in the championship is an outcast, expelled from society and now being forced to live in some sort of limbo, with the hope of being able to return by winning the matches, or as the game calls them: the rites.
What makes it interesting though is how each character has its own backstory and motivation to return (romance, revenge, family and so on). By the end of each season, a final rite is played and the winning team can choose one player to be released back into society. The stakes get really high here as winning means being able to see the characters story arc getting fulfilled, while losing can mean letting a rival get out, sometimes bringing bad consequences to the story.
《柴堆》是一个实验性的游戏,可能不适合所有人,因为 RPG 和体育爱好者似乎没有很大的交集。尽管如此,这仍是一个非常有趣的实验,它打破了类型之间的壁垒,并构建了非线性叙事的概念,这些概念后来被用于 Supergiant 更成功的游戏《黑帝斯》(Hades,2020 年)。[1]
This last match can severely impact gameplay, as often the best player on your team is also the one you're more emotionally invested in. Letting them accomplish their objectives can mean losing your best player, which ties nicely with everything else, as it forces you to try different characters while the story adapts accordingly, with new dialogues and events. And the game goes on whether you win or lose, with the result of the matches impacting the story and motivation of the team.
Pyre is an experimental game, one that might not be for everyone as the RPG and sports crowds don't seem to have a big intersection. But a very interesting experiment nonetheless, that breaks genre barriers and sets up non-linear narrative concepts that were later used in Supergiant's more successful Hades (2020).

Your goal is to take the orb into the opponent’s pyre, using your player’s powers to evade or temporarily banish the other team’s players.

Players have stats, a unique skill tree and an accessory slot, as well as personality, being affected by your choices and even refusing to play with certain teammates.
1 译者注:虽然二者都是非线性叙事,但手法上差别还是挺大的,《黑帝斯》是通过重复游玩来慢慢使故事细节不断丰富,而故事本身的走向是固定的。《柴堆》单周目的游玩就已经是一个完整的故事,通过在多周目游玩中做出不同选择你可以尝试书写不同的结局。游戏有三个大的结局走向,而每名出场过的角色又有各自不同的数个小结局。另外,测试版译名是《哈迪斯》后来正式版译名为《黑帝斯》,故此处采用了正式版译名。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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