reLINE Software, 1991
Amiga 和 Atari ST
reLINE Software, 1991
Amiga and Atari ST
命运:黎明之门(Fate: Gates of Dawn)是一款德国游戏,虽少有人问津,但制作水准极高。这是一部亮点颇多的第一人称回合制角色扮演游戏,玩家操控的游戏角色以团队为单位,不会单独行动。玩家可以操控至多四个团队,每个团队的成员上限为 7 人。这意味着玩家可以在第一个团队探险地牢的同时,派遣第二个团队在街头巷尾打探情报,命令第三个团队探索无边无际的野外世界等。
为此,玩家可以招募结识的每一名友好 NPC,每一次对话都有多个选项供玩家选择,如闲聊、勾搭、打趣、吹嘘等。基于某些属性(也许是随机的),NPC 会做出不同反应:或面色不愉,径直离去;或怒发冲冠,拔刀相向;或好感陡生,自愿同行。
战斗也是以选项菜单的形式予以呈现,体验感极佳。游戏有 11 个种族,31 个职业。玩家能摸索出大量有趣的队伍配置——只有细细斟酌,确保自己麾下有多支小队,才能在一次又一次苦战中脱颖而出。游戏有超过 150 个法术,角色可学习不同职业的法术,充分满足玩家的养成需求。
游戏世界极其宏大,论世界规模,《命运:黎明之门》在老式怀旧游戏中位居前列。昼夜交替、四处闲逛的 NPC 给整个游戏世界注入生机。游戏世界包罗万象,值得玩家探索——也许是一处能回复角色魔力值的魔法井,也许是一个藏有可招募 NPC 的小洞,也许是一件不可思议的稀有物品。
Fate: Gates of Dawn is an obscure, superlative German game. It's a first-person turn-based blobber with quite a few interesting features. You are able to control as many as four different parties with up to seven party members each – one of your parties can crawl through a dungeon level while another is in the city collecting rumours and a third one is out in the wild exploring the gigantic world.
To do so, you're able to recruit almost every (friendly) NPC you meet. Every encounter lets you choose from several menus – chatting, charming, joking, bragging, etc. Depending on several (maybe random?) factors the NPCs react differently to you, from being upset and leaving without a word, to being angered and attacking, or to starting to like you and wanting to join your quest.
Combat encounters are done by menus too, and feel incredibly satisfying. The mix of 11 races and 31 classes available to the player makes up for interesting party composition – you really have to think about it and have several parties to be able to prevail in the sometimes hard-as-hell combat situations. There is a total of over 150 spells to choose from, with characters being able to learn spells from different classes to satisfy all your character-building needs.
The world itself is one of the largest in old-school games, brought to life by wandering NPCs and day-and-night cycles. Be it a magic well that replenishes your magic points, a hole in which you find an NPC that might join your party, or an incredible item – it's full of things for you to discover.
Then there are the dungeons, which are enormous too. There are several carefully crafted lairs, crypts and castles, riddled with complex puzzles, deadly traps and combat encounters that will all make you curse at the screen – but are very rewarding to complete.
《命运:黎明之门》的体量之大,我再怎么夸张也不为过。哪怕照着攻略打,游玩时间也会轻松突破 100 小时。如果你对体例庞大,包罗万象的 RPG 游戏爱不释手,那么这款游戏绝对不容错过。但切记,充分利用好八个存档位,稍不留神,就会陷入死档危机。
Fate also has nudity, which was censored in the English release. This version is rare, as few copies were made, but the game has since become freeware.
I cannot overstate how large the game is; even playing it with a guide would still easily require over 100 hours. If you enjoy large and complex RPGs, you should definitely play Fate. But I advise making good use of the eight save slots – there are multiple ways to completely screw up your game.
Perhaps due to German humour, there are some odd options in combat, such as closing your eyes, groping, mocking, or asking party members to kiss.
Fate has a “cavetrain” that runs across its massive world, connecting the major cities.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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