Westwood Studios, 1993
Westwood Studios, 1993

西木联合公司(Westwood Associates)与 SSI 在《魔眼杀机(Eye of the Beholder)》及其续作上进行了成功的合作。然后在 1992 年,维珍互动(Virgin Interactive)收购了该公司,并将开发部门重新命名为西木工作室(Westwood Studios)。1993 年,西木工作室充分运用此前的开发经验,推出了《大地传说:黑暗王座(Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos)》[1] 。
Westwood Associates had a great run with SSI's Eye of the Beholder and its sequel, before Virgin Interactive snatched them up in 1992, renaming the development house Westwood Studios. In 1993, they put their experience to good use with Lands of Lore: The Throne of Chaos.
Now free to build their own rules, they took the AD&D crunch found in EotB and tried to make it less intimidating, while providing no less of a challenge.

本游戏不仅有着高水平的美术,而且全程配音。国王的配音由 Patrick Stewart 担任[2]。
Not only is the artwork is fantastic, but the game is fully voiced, with Patrick Stewart cast as the King.

The game is full of little details, such as how the characters' portraits reflect their injuries.
和那些来自金盒子(Gold Box)系列以及《创世纪(Ultima)》系列的游戏很相似,本游戏附赠了一个偏向技术方面的说明书用于讲解用户界面,同时把背景故事分到了另一本单独的书中。背景小说详细地描写了司蔲霞(Scotia)的邪恶行径和她的黑暗军队,另外还有一小段这片土地的虚构历史,为西木创造的这个新世界打下了基础。
玩家需要从四名英雄中选出一位来完成任务,每一名英雄都有自己的长处和弱点。四名英雄分别是身披鳞片的法师阿克薛(Ak’shel)[3] ,盗贼奇忍(Kierean),能力全面的康拉德(Conrad)还有擅长物理攻击的米迦勒(Michael)。流程中可以有至多两名 NPC 加入玩家的队伍,这让整体体验更接近于一个第一人称小队制角色扮演游戏(blobber)。
游戏中的属性被精简为两大类:力量和防御。技能也被缩减到三个主要类别:战士、盗贼和法师。《大地传说》没有用经验值来决定角色的成长,而是沿用了《地牢大师 / 迷宫魔兽(Dungeon Master)》以及类似游戏的方法:多次使用角色执行行动,就可以让相应的技能更加强大。
游戏流程相对线性,完成任务的过程中玩家需要依次在每个区域中战斗。西木工作室打造出的这个第一人称 3D 世界就像是从像素级别脱胎换骨的《魔眼杀机》。户外区域、城镇、遍布陷阱和隐藏开关的传统地下城,再加上地下城中能够溶解武器和缴械玩家的敌人,还有那些可以互动的 NPC,所有这一切被西木混合在一个网格式的迷宫探索游戏之中——谢天谢地,这个游戏会自动绘制地图。
Much like titles from the Gold Box and Ultima series, the game came with a more technical manual explaining the interface and separated the fiction out into a separate book. It detailed the evil of Scotia, her Dark Army, and a short, mythic history of the land which laid out the foundations for Westwood's new world.
Players chose one of four heroes to take up the quest up with, each with their own strengths and weaknesses from the scaly Ak'shel and his magic to the roguish Kierean, the well-rounded Conrad or the straight-up basher Michael. Up to two NPCs could eventually also join your chosen hero, making it more of a “blobber” experience.
Attributes were cut down to two catch-all bins Might and Protection. Skills were similarly shortened to three major categories – Fighter, Rogue, and Mage. But instead of using experience points to determine your character's development, Lands of Lore followed the example of titles such as Dungeon Master in making it so that using actions most associated with each character would improve them over time.
The game was also relatively linear as you fought through one zone after the next during the quest, but the first-person 3D world Westwood put together was like EotB on pixelised steroids. Outdoor areas, towns, and traditional dungeons peppered with traps, hidden switches, beasts that could dissolve weapons or disarm players, and interactive NPCs celebrated Westwood's last dalliance with grid-based dungeon -crawling all automapped for your pleasure.
Tough, brutal encounters and dungeons later in the game were offset only by the ability to rest anywhere, but Lands of Lore knew when to take the gloves off and punished unprepared players despite its deceptive simplicity. It's a formula that holds up well even today, and a crawl still worth delving into.
1 译者注:电子工业出版社在 1997 年曾引进本游戏,此处采用当时的游戏译名,文中的人名也采用当时的版本。
2 译者注:帕特里克 · 斯图尔特(Patrick Stewart),英国话剧演员。曾饰演《星际迷航:下一代》(Star Trek: The Next Generation)中的让 – 卢克 · 皮卡德(Jean-Luc Picard)舰长以及《X 战警》(X-Men)系列电影中的 X 教授。
3 译者注:阿克薛种族为龙人族(Dracoid),在《大地传说》的世界设定中,该种族是有着人类面孔的蜥蜴。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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