SEGA, 2008
Windows, PS3 和 PS4
SEGA, 2008
Windows, PS3 and PS4

战场女武神(Valkyria Chronicles)的游戏背景设定架空在一个类似一战时期的欧洲战争中,本作可被看作是制作了《樱花大战》(Sakura Wars)系列的世嘉(Sega)老牌团队为策略游戏注入的一股新鲜血液。
这款游戏最大的特色便是对回合制策略 RPG 和第三人称战斗的结合。当任务开始时,你会被要求在战略地图上派遣最多十个单位。每回合你都会获得一定数量的“指挥点数”(Command Points),每花费一个指挥点数,你就可以在第三人称下控制一个单位行进一定距离并执行一次攻击。你也可以重复使用同一个单位,不过点数一旦耗尽,当前回合便会结束。
主线战役提供了十八场目标种类繁多的战斗——你将会在狭窄的街道上追击一辆战车、在夜间在森林中躲避敌人的搜索小组、摧毁巨型坦克、炸毁一座桥等等。有些任务可能需要一个多小时才能完成,并允许玩家使用多种策略,但游戏会要求玩家尽快完成任务以获得 S 等级。
玩家最终会解锁额外的支线任务,比如可重复游玩的小规模战役(可以拿来练手),PC 版收录了所有基于角色个人的特殊任务和 DLC 任务,并且允许你扮演其他的小队。
Set in a fictional version of Europe during a World War I-like conflict, Valkyria Chronicles saw the veteran Sega team behind the Sakura Wars series deliver a breath of fresh air into tactical games.
The game's outstanding feature is its blend of tactical turn-based RPG with third-person combat. When a mission starts you're sent into a tactical map and asked to dispatch up to ten units. Each turn you're given a set number of Command Points, and by spending one you get to control a unit in third-person mode, walking around for a set amount and performing one attack. You may use a unit repeatedly, but once your points are over, the turn ends.
The game offers five classes – Scouts, Engineers, Shocktroopers, Lancers and Snipers – plus two types of tank. Knowing where and when to use them is key: a Lancer can destroy a tank with one well-aimed shot at its engine, but it's useless against regular troops.
Each character also has its own personality traits: a “Loner” character, for example, gets a bonus when far from the rest of the squad. After each battle you'll earn money and XP based on your performance, which can be used to upgrade weapons, armour and tanks, as well as level up each of the classes.
The main campaign offers 18 battles with a wide range of goals – you'll pursue an armoured car across narrow streets, avoid enemy search parties in a forest at night, defeat a massive tank, blow up a bridge, etc. Some missions can take over an hour to complete and allow many strategies, though the game pushes you to complete them as fast as possible to earn an S rank.
You'll eventually unlock extra side-missions, such as repeatable skirmishes (where you can train), special missions based around individual characters and the DLC missions, which are included in the PC port and allow you to play as other squads.
《战场女武神》于 2008 年首发在 PS3 上,然后于 2014 年被移植到了 PC 端,在 2016 年还在 PS4 上发行了复刻版。
Valkyria Chronicles was first released for the PS3 in 2008, then ported to PCs in 2014. It also got a remaster for the PS4 in 2016.
遗憾的是,《战场女武神 2(Valkyria Chronicles II,2010)》和《战场女武神 3(Valkyria Chronicles III,2011)》都是 PSP 上的独占游戏,而《苍蓝革命之女武神》(Valkyria Revolution,2017)却一改系列传统的战斗方式,将其变成了一款令人失望的奇幻动作 RPG。
尽管如此,《战场女武神》仍凭借其新颖的题材、丰富的故事剧情以及华丽的画面使之成为新千年以来最出色的策略 RPG 游戏之一。
Between each mission you're treated to story cutscenes, which are surprisingly good. Characters are quirky but down-to-earth, and the story is simple but focuses heavily on racism and the horrors of war, going as far as to include a concentration camp.
The fantastic art style helps to set the bleak yet hopeful tone of the game, mixing expressive cell-shaded models with a charming watercolour style.
Sadly, the sequels Valkyria Chronicles II (2010) and III (2011) remain PSP exclusives, while Valkyria Revolution (2017) changed the series' combat into a disappointing fantasy Action RPG of sorts.
Still, Valkyria Chronicles remains one of the best tactical RPGs of the 2000s, with a fresh take on the genre, an involving story and gorgeous visuals.

The game is turn-based, but you control your units in third-person mode, manually positioning them and aiming shots.

Battlefields offer several obstacles and opportunities, such as high grass troops can hide in, minefields, sniper towers, elevators, barricades, etc.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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