Sir-Tech Canada, 1999
Windows, Linux (Mac 和 Android)*
Sir-Tech Canada, 1999
Windows, Linux (Mac and Android)*

铁血联盟 2(Jagged Alliance 2,以下简称《铁血 2》)是一个等距视角的回合制策略游戏。在游戏中你将雇佣并指挥一伙佣兵,力图将一个名为 Arulco[1] 的虚构国家从其残忍的独裁者——女王 Deidranna——手中解放出来。就这么简单,不然呢?
每当被问起什么是《铁血 2》时,我都会重新思考和审视这部游戏。喜欢这款游戏的玩家各式各样:从喜欢其策略深度的专业士兵到对其中海量的武器装备流口水的军迷,从称赞其对于 RPG 风格和象棋般的战术深度创造性的有机融合到仅仅出于对其中角色的喜爱。人们因各不相同的理由汇聚于此,而这部游戏的魔力也随着模组的出现进一步地扩散开来。
《铁血联盟 2》是一款足够包容的游戏,你可以从任何角度,以任何方式来享受它。想把它玩成一个等距视角射击游戏,一人成军?没问题,游戏里有足够的战斗等待着每一个兰博(Rambo)[2] ;想把它玩成一个旅游游戏,武装周游?那你也会获得一段轻松但又令人印象深刻的体验。
Jagged Alliance 2 is an isometric turn-based strategy game where you hire and command a band of mercenaries in order to free a fictional country called Arulco from the rule of its ruthless dictator, Queen Deidranna. Or is it?
Reassessment and reflection occurs each time I'm asked what JA2 is. I've seen people drawn to this game for all possible reasons, from professional soldiers loving its strategic layer to gun nuts drooling over the immense arsenal available, expanded even further by mods. Others praise the game for a creative, alchemical approach to the RPG genre and its chesslike tactical depth. Some just love the characters.
Aye, Jagged Alliance 2 is generous enough to allow you to enjoy it from all perspectives and playstyles. If you want to treat it as an isometric shooter, one-man team, fine, there's enough action for every Rambo out there; if you want to instead take an armed stroll and explore the country, you'll have a laugh and a whale of a great time too.
Such flexibility is achieved through this unique blend of strategy and role-playing game.
* 因为放出了源代码,极具奉献精神的模组作者们得以将游戏移植到 Mac 和安卓上。
*Since the release of the source code, dedicated modders have managed to create ports of the game for Mac and Android.

More than just fighting, you’ll also have to talk to the locals and decide how to handle the issues they present.
游戏开始时你要先创造一个自定义角色,然后是招募一个佣兵小组——每名队员都有其独特的属性、装备、性格和周薪——然后,开干!你的小队将直接空投进入 Omerta 村,而当地军队也正要突袭此地的反抗军藏身处。你需要清空这个区域的敌人,将你的介绍信交给当地的联络人 Fatima ,以会见反抗军领袖。
你的谈判能力将在这里初次派上用场:你可以从反抗军当中招募队员,顺便将这一地区置于你的控制之下。牢记《铁血 2》里有的可不止是富有深度的战斗系统。
解决完 Omerta 的任务之后,你将直接接触到整张地图并可以自由制定后续计划。你可以选择“常规”路线解放 Drassen 镇,获得其中的资源并指派你的佣兵去训练出一支能和女王的军队对抗的力量(你也可以在当地找到直升机飞行员和武器商人)。但你也可以尝试不同路线,在多周目游戏中更是如此。现实中你也许会因为一发 7.62 毫米的子弹停下脚步,但在游戏中你不会被任何事情所阻止。
在每一个主要区域都会有一些 RPG 风格的可探索内容和支线任务。一个柜子或一句对话背后都可能隐藏着意想不到的好处。在这方面《铁血 2》甚至展现出了《辐射(Fallout)》系列的精神内核:无论是想武力突破 San Mona 还是试图从妓院中解救性工作者,你一定能从任务中获得乐趣与回报,而且这些任务并不总是那么政治正确。
You start by creating a custom avatar, then recruiting a minimal team of mercs – each with their own stats, gear, personalities and weekly salaries then go straight to work. Your team is inserted into the Omerta village, where the army is about to assault the rebel hideout. You are to clear the initial sector, deliver your letter of credentials to Fatima, a local contact, and be led to meet the rebel leader.
Your dialogue skills will be used for the first time here, giving you the chance to recruit rebels into your squad and place the sector under your control, making it clear that JA2 offers much more than “just” an incredibly deep tactical combat.
After Omerta, you gain acess to the world map and can plan your next steps. There's the “normal” route of liberating the town of Drassen, gaining control of its resources and assigning your mercs to train a militia that will defend it from Deidranna's army (you can also find the local helicopter pilot and weapons dealer there). But you can try alternative routes, especially during a replay. A 7.62 mm bullet might stop you, but the game won't.
In each of the main sectors you also get to indulge in a bit of RPG exploring and questing. Benefits can lie hidden in any cupboard or dialogue option. It's where the kindred spirit with the Fallout series is most evident in JA2 – whether you fight for cash in San Mona or rescue a hooker from a brothel, quests are fun, rewarding and not at all politically correct.
Depending on how close you get to the capital, or how irate Deidranna gets with your actions, the game throws at you a range of enemies, rising in difficulty from “yellow shirts” – the local police –, to army “red shirt” regulars, and ending with the “black shirt” special forces, who bring everything to the table: snipers, LMGs, mortars, even tanks.
1 译者注:因最初的引进版本和民间汉化版都保留了英文的人名与地名,而《铁血联盟 2:野火》被引进国内是东方娱动公司对部分名称进行过翻译,但其翻译质量过于粗糙并被玩家诟病,因此至今玩家社群仍然在使用英文原名。本文中也因此保留了英文原名暂不翻译。
2 译者注:电影《第一滴血》的主角。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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