DreamForge Intertainment, 1993
DreamForge Intertainment, 1993

地城入侵(Dungeon Hack)的点子很新颖,却没能很好地制作出来。游戏采用了重制版的《魔眼杀机(Eye of the Beholder)》的引擎,创造出了一款允许你自由定制随机地牢的实时单角色图形化 rougelike 游戏。该游戏同时也提供了一些新的特色:自动地图的引入和一个新职业——吟游诗人。
不过,采用第二版《高级龙与地下城(AD&D)》规则来设计一款实时单角色类 rougelike 游戏,算是彻底给它糟蹋了。
《地城入侵》可以说是非常直球的 rougelike 游戏了,游戏中你要深入并通过一座地牢,期间无法在商店或休息点获得给养和休息,在随机生成的迷宫中一路杀怪寻宝,其中不乏简单的谜题:他们大多是让你去寻找散落在迷宫里的和不同类型的门相匹配的一打钥匙,要么用找的,要么用杀的。
由于 TSR[1] 的《高级龙与地下城》规则仅仅是为了回合制团队型 RPG 设计的,因此将其强行用到一款单角色实时地城探险游戏上会造成的麻烦可想而知。就算对规则进行了一定的调整也无济于事:由于游戏并未对吟游诗人、法师和盗贼等职业提供一定的加成,因此上述职业在游戏过程中显得一点儿用处都没有。绝大多数上锁的物品都需要特定的钥匙,另外,实时战斗系统和缓慢的咒语界面使得法师完全无用并且很容易被打败。
Dungeon Hack is, sadly, a good idea poorly implemented. The game employs a reworked version of the Eye of the Beholder engine to create a real-time single-character graphical roguelike that allows you to customise its random dungeons. It also offers some new features, such as the addition of an automap and a new class – the Bard.
However, making it a real-time single-character roguelike that uses the AD&D 2nd edition rules is also what virtually damns it.
Dungeon Hack is a very straightforward roguelike, in which you descend through a dungeon without any sort of shop or rest stops along the way, killing monsters and finding loot in a randomly generated labyrinth with simple puzzles normally involving putting a dozen keys into a dozen types of door until you find or kill the objective at the bottom of it.
Along the way you'll battle some of the over fifty monsters present in the game – including liches and invisible feyrs – and face hazards such as underwater levels, anti-magic fields and starvation.
Yet between the over-reliance on die rolls, the awkward challenge of quickly controlling your actions in real time and its AD&D adaptation, having a properly fun time is distressingly just out of range.
Given that TSR's AD&D rules are designed for turn- and party-based RPG combat, it should be no surprise that they are troublesome in a game built around a single character exploring a dungeon in real time. There was no effort in adapting the rules, so classes such as the Bard, Mage, and Thief are practically useless, as the game hardly provides any benefit to playing them. Most locked objects require specific keys, and the combination of real-time combat with a slow spell interface make the Mage virtually useless and easily killed here.
若是《地城入侵》能被设计成一款团队型的 rougelike 游戏,那么游戏中经常出现的“要么存档要么玩完”的情况可能就会减少很多,而可用的角色玩法也将大大扩展。
现在来说,除非你是类 rougelike 类型游戏的狂热爱好者并且对游戏非常明显的游玩缺陷毫不在意,否则这款游戏根本不值得一玩。《地城入侵》背后的想法比游戏表现出的要有潜力的多,这太令人遗憾了。
Had Dungeon Hack been a party-based roguelike, the issues with its constant “Save or Die” elements would have been lessened, and more than a handful of character builds would be genuinely viable.
As it stands, the game is only worth trying if you are a big fan of the roguelike genre, willing to overlook the obvious gameplay flaws. It's just sad that the concept behind Dungeon Hack had so much more potential than the game was able to deliver.

The graphics are improved over the already excellent Eye of the Beholder. The added mini-map is also welcome.

One nice touch is being able to customise the random dungeon and then share it with your friends. (You can also get rid of boring level-draining undead.)
1 译者注:TSR, Inc.,全称 Tactical Studies Rules,由《龙与地下城》的联合作者之一 Gary Gygax 和其好友 Don Kaye 于 1973 年创办,是《龙与地下城》的发行商。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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