Ultra Runaway Games, 2013
Windows, Linux 和 Mac
Ultra Runaway Games, 2013
Windows, Linux and Mac

《纸面巫师(Paper Sorcerer)》是一场面向上世纪 80 年代的复古盛宴,是对于伟大的旧时“blobbers” [1] 以及源自《麦金塔文字冒险(MacVenture)》[2] 系列,诸如《暗影之门(Shadowgate)》这类点击式冒险游戏的一次致敬。
某位穷凶极恶的巫师一如既往地玩弄着邪恶把戏,威胁无辜群众并制造灾难,因此一群英雄迫不得已将这名人世间的祸害封印进一本魔法书之中。而你现在必须要扮演这位邪恶的巫师(或女巫),想尽办法突破监牢并逐一展开复仇——这部分明显是在致敬《巫术 4(Wizardry IV)》[3] 。
《纸面巫师》的核心玩法兼具了 3D 的第一人称探索以及带有解密的 2D 回合制战斗。魔法书监牢中的不同关卡构成了游戏的地下城,每关各有三层迷宫和随其后的一个 Boss 领域。你将遭遇到如同漂浮的乌云一样的敌人,一旦你接触它们就会进入战斗。
你可以像《巫术 4》里那样召唤仆从来创建一个最多由四名角色组建的小队协助你。可供你选择的生物包括骷髅、女巫、幽灵、吸血鬼、邪教徒、狼人、巨魔以及一系列令人厌恶的怪物,他们每个都有着各种各样的技能和魔法,这为游戏带来了海量的队伍搭配以及战斗策略。
Paper Sorcerer is a throwback to the glorious 1980s, paying homage to great blobbers of old and to the point-and-click adventures from the MacVenture series, such as Shadowgate.
The most evil of sorcerers has been up to some usual naughty shenanigans, terrorising innocents and wreaking havoc, so a group of heroes has been forced to imprison this danger to society inside a magical book. You play as that evil sorcerer (or sorceress) who must now find a way to break free and exact revenge – an obvious connection to Wizardry IV.
The monochrome visual style is original and beautifully minimalist, with the sleek ink design illustrating the central theme of a world within a book.
The core gameplay of Paper Sorcerer consists of 3D first-person exploration and puzzle solving with 2D turn-based combat. The game's dungeon is made of different levels within the magical book prison, each having three floors followed by a boss area. You'll encounter enemies as floating black clouds, and combat begins once you approach them.
As in Wizardry IV, you can summon minions to help you, creating a party of up to four characters. You may choose from creatures such as skeletons, witches, ghosts, vampires, cultists, werewolves, trolls and other nasty monsters, each one possessing a wide variety of skills and magic, giving you plenty of party compositions and battle strategies to play with.
Battles can be very tense, as you'll have to plan for the long run. All characters have Defense points, which block physical damage but decrease with each blow. Health can only be recovered by casting spells, resting or using potions, but you always begin battle with full Defense points. This leads into an interesting dynamic, where you'll have to weigh up which stat to invest in and what sort of restoration spells to use.
孤身一人的 Jesse Gallagher 于 2012 年在 Kickstarter 网上众筹制作了《纸面巫师》,尽管最初设立的目标是 5000 美元,但 Jesse 最终收到了 13151 美元。
Paper Sorcerer was made by a single man, Jesse Gallagher, funded by a Kickstarter campaign in 2012. Jesse received $13,151 dollars, from an initial $5,000 goal.
《纸面巫师》有着简单、正常、困难以及超级残酷的“80 年代模式”这四种难度选项。游戏的缺点在于极度不平衡的战利品掉落,尤其是在更高的难度下,折磨着玩家的同时促使玩家频繁地“SL[4] ”(因为战利品是在宝箱被打开时才生成的)。
总而言之,《纸面巫师》是一款有着高超的艺术表现的精品游戏,尽管存在着一些 Bug,但 Jesse Gallagher 在 Unity 上缔造出这个供我们遨游的羊皮纸世界所付出的努力仍然非常值得敬佩。
Beside the main dungeon there's also a safe zone called the Sanctuary, with a room to rest, a trainer to learn skills, a creepy house that leads into an optional dungeon and a store to buy equipment and potions.
Paper Sorcerer comes with four difficulty settings available: Easy, Normal, Hard, and the super brutal “1980s mode”. The downside is that the random loot drops can be rather unfair, especially on higher difficulties, punishing players and promoting save-scumming (loot is generated when you open a chest).
All in all, Paper Sorcerer is a lovely crafted game with superb artistic presentation. While some bugs are present, it's nonetheless a very admirable effort from Jesse Gallagher who, by himself on Unity, created this parchment world for us to discover.

Characters have an energy pool, necessary for casting most skills. It slowly regenerates each turn, so resource-managing is key in battle.

The dungeons hold many secrets and interactive objects, often cleverly hidden by the game’s unique art style.
1 译者注:上世纪八十年代为了区别于广义上的“迷宫探索”(Dungeon Crawl)类游戏而细化出的类型名称,通常解释是一队人(blob)以第一人称视角在地下城探险的游戏。代表游戏:《魔法门》(Might and Magic)系列、《魔眼杀机》(Eye of the Beholder)系列。
2 译者注:苹果公司在上世纪 80 年代于麦金塔电脑(Macintosh,简称 Mac)上推出的点击式冒险游戏四部曲,它们分别是侦探题材的《似曾相识》(Déjà Vu: MacVenture Series)和《似曾相识 2》(Déjà Vu II: MacVenture Series),冒险题材的《黑暗之门》(Shadowgate: MacVenture Series)以及恐怖题材的《不请自来》(The Uninvited: MacVenture Series)
3 译者注:全名为《巫术 4:瓦德纳的复仇》(Wizardry IV : The Return of Werdna),游戏中玩家将要扮演初代里被主角击杀的最终 boss- Werdna,这代中复活后力量尽失的他决定召集旧部在夺回力量的同时向过去的敌人复仇。该作是第一部能让玩家当魔王使用怪物组队的游戏,但在大众市场和核心玩家群体间的口碑呈现出两极化。
4 译者注:SL,即保存与读取,通常指在游戏中某个特定时刻进行保存,再通过读取存档来重置游戏内容的行为。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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