Jagware Inc., 1987
Amiga, Atari ST 和 MS-DOS
Jagware Inc., 1987
Amiga, Atari ST and MS-DOS

首先要说的是《异星之火(Alien Fires)》是一个非常糟糕的游戏。这本书中最糟糕的一个游戏。然而,它却有着一个非常不错的创意,如果不讨论一下的话,将是一个损失。
一旦完成,你就会登上形状奇特的银河尽头空间站。虽然几乎当时所有其他的地牢游戏都是在方格内游玩的,但《异星之火》使用了各种奇怪的角度,并允许玩家以 45 度转弯,这使得探索和绘制地图成为一个相当大的挑战。
你很快就会遇到一个友好的外星人,他不是用文字而是用语音对话来问候您!原来《异星之火》使用了 Amiga 的文字转语音功能来使其 NPC“说话”!该技术是非常原始的——每个 NPC 都有完全相同的“语音”,而且往往很难理解说的是什么。但真正的问题是,对话毫无意义。
你会通过文字解析器与许多异国的 NPC 对话,浏览奇形怪状的房间,收集若干钥匙和物品,但这一切都是徒劳的。钥匙没有什么用,NPC 没有说任何有价值的东西,您真正需要做的就是穿越六个小关卡,直到到达最后一层,找到库尔茨博士,然后再进行一次棘手的 BOSS 战。
The first thing to be said about Alien Fires is that it's a very bad game. A terrible one, among the worst in this book. Yet it's such an interesting title that it would be a disservice not to talk about it.
The manual explains you are a Time Lord, sent by the enigmatic Elders to find a scientist by the name of Dr. Samuel Kurtz. A genius, he built a time machine and wants to use it to go back to the Big Bang and witness the moment of Creation. You must stop him, as some secrets are not meant for mortal eyes.
It's a creative premise, and expectations remain high as you boot the game, see a colourful intro with a nice soundtrack and reach character creation, where you'll distribute points between seven skills.
Once that's done, you board the oddly-shaped Galaxy's End space station. While almost every other dungeon crawler is built and navigated in a square grid, Alien Fires uses all sorts of odd angles and allows players to turn in increments of 45 degrees, making exploration and mapping quite a challenge.
You'll soon meet a friendly alien, who greets you not with text, but with voiced dialogue! Turns out Alien Fires uses the Amiga's text-to-speech feature to make its NPCs “speak”! The technology is primitive – every NPC has the exact same “voice” and it's often hard to understand what's being said. But the real issue is that dialogue is pointless.
You'll talk to many exotic NPCs via a text parser, navigate oddly-shaped rooms and collect several keys and items, but it's all for nought. Keys are useless, NPCs don't say anything of value and all you really need to do is cross six small levels until you reach the last floor and find Dr. Kurtz – then fight a shoehorned boss battle.
In fact, you could beat the game in a few minutes if not for the frequent random encounters. And here, once again, the game fails to provide any satisfaction.
《异星之火》后来被移植到 Atari ST 和 DOS 系统上,但没有了文字转语音功能。这个游戏暗示会有一个续作,甚至要求玩家保存他们的角色文件,但是《异星之火 2》始终没有公布。
Alien Fires was later ported to Atari ST and DOS, losing the text-to-voice feature. The game hinted at a sequel and even asked players to keep their character's save file, but Alien Fires 2 never arrived.
During combat you just press the “Fight” button and watch as you character and the enemy trade blows. There are no tactics involved, fights play mostly the same and the most important factor is luck.
In the end, Alien Fires feels like an ambitious tech demo. The premise is original, the art and music are often great and ideas like using text-to-voice and creating dungeons in odd angles are interesting, but unfortunately there's no real game beneath them.

对话使用了文字转语音系统和一个称职的文字解析器,但 NPC 本身并没有什么有价值的话可说。
Dialogues use a text-to-voice system and a competent text parser, but the NPCs themselves have nothing of value to say.

游戏提供了近战和范围攻击武器,有限的弹药以及特定身体部位的护甲,但在战斗中,你只需点击 "战斗",然后观看就可以了。
The game offers melee and ranged weapons, limited ammo and armour for specific body parts, but during combat you just click on “Fight” and watch.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明