Infinite Interactive, 2007
Windows, Mac, iOS, PS2, PS3, NDS等
Infinite Interactive, 2007
Windows, Mac, iOS, PS2, PS3, NDS, etc

Steve Fawkner 在大众认知里曾是一手打造了《战神(Warlords)》[1] 系列的家伙。但对于新一代玩家来说,他的新身份则是《字谜探险(Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords)》的创造者。这是一款类似《宝石迷阵(Bejeweled)》系列,需要玩家与敌人对抗的益智兼角色扮演类游戏。
《字谜探险》中的战斗是发生在一块 8x8 大小的格子上,以组合出至少三个相同的方块为目的消消乐模式。每种方块都有不同的作用:钱币会奖励金钱,紫色星星会奖励经验值,骷髅头会对对手造成直接伤害,而不同颜色的宝珠则是用于施展法术的法力。这款游戏最令人满足的特点便是其简单易懂的核心机制,只要再掌握能够连续组合出好几组方块的技巧,便能阻止对手获取法力,并为自己赢得额外的回合。
Steve Fawkner was once known as the man behind the Warlords series. But, for a younger generation, he's the creator of Puzzle Quest, the Puzzle/RPG in which you battle foes in a Bejeweled-style game.
Combat in Puzzle Quest takes place on an 8x8 board where the aim is to match three or more tiles of the same type. Each tile has a different function: coins give you money, purple stars give XP, skulls deal direct damage to the opponent and the coloured globes serve as mana for spells. The satisfying aspect of the game comes from the simplicity of the core mechanic, combined with the skill required to chain multiple groups together, deny your opponent access to mana and earn extra turns.
《字谜探险》有一部名为《瘟疫领主的复仇(Revenge of the Plague Lord)》的资料片。它只在主机平台上发售过。粉丝因此为 PC 制作了一份 Xbox 版本的非官方移植版本。
Puzzle Quest had an expansion called Revenge of the Plague Lord. It was released on consoles, but never reached the PC. Fans then made an unofficial port of the Xbox version.

The world map expands as you progress, and there are usually many different quests to choose from.

《字谜探险 2(Puzzle Quest 2)》将 2D 地图替换成了有数个楼层的精美斜视角地下城。
Puzzle Quest 2 trades the 2D map for a beautiful isometric dungeon with various levels.
探索界面是一张画面精美的 2D 地图。在地图上,你可以拜访城镇、购买装备、领取任务和听取各种流言。游戏前期能够前往的地点有限,但新区域会随着你的进度推进不断解锁。随着时间推移,新敌人会不断生成并封锁道路,所以你必须找到另一条通道,或者打败敌人才能继续前行。
这样的模式很快便流行起来,不少后续作品还因此诞生,这其中包括了发售于 2009 年,带有科幻设定并采用了类似《旋转泡泡球(Hexic)》中六角形格子的《字谜探险:星河大战(Puzzle Quest: Galactrix)》,以及发售于 2010 年,更专注于迷宫探索,采用了和前作相似机制的《字谜探险 2(Puzzle Quest 2)》。
There are four character classes available – Druid, Knight, Warrior and Wizard – each with his own set of spells and passive skills. Spells range from dealing direct damage to altering tiles on the board and even taking multiple turns at once. You unlock new spells by levelling up, but can only equip a maximum of six different spells. Choosing the right loadout of items and spells to counter your foe is of vital importance, and experimentation is encouraged.
Exploration is done through a 2D map with an appealing, painted art style. There you can visit towns, buy equipment, take quests and listen to rumours. The world is limited at first, but as you progress new areas are unlocked. Over time, enemies pop up and block routes, meaning you must either find an alternative way or fight them to progress.
The story itself is a little bit flat and your main motivation for the various missions is really just to gain XP and gold. There are four realms to visit, focusing on different factions, and these introduce new enemy types to fight or capture. Some quests offer you choices, and you can gain companions who provide handy support abilities, such as damaging an enemy as the battle begins.
The big appeal of Puzzle Quest is taking an already addictive puzzle game then adding depth and RPG elements to it. Later in the game you can capture monsters to use as mounts, learn spells from enemies, hunt treasures, craft your own magical equipment and even build siege weapons and conquer entire cities.
The formula became quite popular and led to a number of follow-up games, including Puzzle Quest: Galactrix (2009), which had a sci-fi setting and used hexagonal tiles – akin to Hexic – and Puzzle Quest 2 (2010), a direct sequel with similar mechanics but focused on dungeon-crawling.
1 译者注:《战神(Warlords)》是一款结合了角色扮演兼回合制策略的幻想风格游戏系列。该系列包括了四款游戏和两部资料片。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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