Spiderweb Software, 1995
Windows 和 Mac
Spiderweb Software, 1995
Windows and Mac

Jeff Vogel 在 Spiderweb Software 开发了诸多游戏,《放逐:地穴逃生(Exile: Escape from the Pit)》是其中第一款。本作采用 2D 回合制,小队管理机制和俯视角,主要作为《阿佛纳姆(Avernum)》系列游戏的起源而闻名。
游戏参考了许多常见的奇幻故事线,将其改编成了独特的故事背景。放逐之地(The land of Exile)是一个地底世界,通过单向传送门接收帝国(Empire)的政敌和重犯。这里的照明只有岩石上苔藓的微光,人们靠蘑菇、石蜥蜴和地下溪流勉强维持生存,还要面临地精、蜥蜴人和其他地底部落的威胁。帝国人民不会给予任何援助,而一只与皇帝(Emperor)结盟的恶魔似乎是其它一系列不幸事件的幕后黑手。
Exile: Escape from the Pit was the first of many games developed by Jeff Vogel at Spiderweb Software. A 2D, turn-based CRPG with party management and top-down perspective, it's probably best known now as the source of the Avernum games.
The backstory took a lot of fantasy tropes and twisted enough of them to make something unique. The land of Exile is an underground, subsurface world where political enemies of the Empire and hardened criminals are sent via a one-way portal. Glowing moss on the rocks provide a poor light, while mushrooms, rock lizards, and underground streams allow bare survival. The people of Exile are beset by underground tribes of goblins, lizardmen, and other threats without aid or care from the people of the Empire. And it seems a demon allied with the Emperor might be behind a series of other misfortunes.
As one might imagine, the people left here to die hold a strong grudge against the Empire. Since they feel as if they might be doomed anyway, they can at least strike back. And that's your quest – to find a way back to the surface and enact revenge.

从《放逐》的地底牢狱开始,Jeff Vogel 的游戏一向有着独特的设定和背景。
Starting with Exile's underground prison world, Jeff Vogel's games have a tradition of featuring unique settings and premises.
这些新的关系推动了本作和续作的情节发展,也为剧情增添了 Vogel 精心设计的史诗感和奇幻感。
Before you can get said revenge, you will create a party of six characters and assign skill points and attributes to assist in whatever role each character is to take. Although you are going to need some heavily armed fighters, it's necessary to have a thief to handle traps and locks, a divine spellcaster for healing the party, and an arcane spellcaster to throw fireballs.
New points can be assigned to improve your characters upon gaining enough experience to level up, and there will be enough currency earned during your first quests to be able to afford decent armour and weapons. The best spells cannot be employed until characters build up enough skill to cast them, so forget about raining death upon those that oppose you right at the start.
Also, expect characters to die a lot, so save early and save often. Exile is incredibly difficult unless you find several important hidden treasures, requiring you to have to invest a few hours in searching your surroundings. Although the enemies you encounter near the first town are a minor threat, wandering monsters become increasingly hard the further you get from civilisation.
Skills alone won't guarantee survival, meaning that you are going to have to loot dungeons in order to purchase better weapons or find secret stashes of magical equipment. This game was designed with the completionists and explorers in mind.
Not everyone will want to kill you, and your party will find new allies during their quest. The negotiations your heroes make in Exile become important factors in future games, and a couple of new races become playable in the sequel.
These new relations drive the plot of this and future games, adding lore and a sense of wonder that was well designed by Mr. Vogel.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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