Mindscape International, 1990
MS-DOS, Amiga 和 Atari ST
Mindscape International, 1990
MS-DOS, Amiga and Atari ST

Captive is a real-time sci-fi blobber where your character wakes up imprisoned somewhere unknown. Your only hope now is to remotely control four droids, who must find and liberate you.
The droids are highly customisable, as they have detachable individual parts (hands, arms, legs, feet, chest and head), each with its own stats, energy cost and utility. For example, a droid with a damaged head will display distorted graphics to the player.
Ultimate Captive Guide 是完全专注于《困俘》的粉丝网站,该网站提供各种实用的游戏工具、数据、攻略以及各种有趣的开发琐事。
The Ultimate Captive Guide is an excellent fan-site entirely dedicated to Captive, filled with trivia, useful tools, tips and stats.

You can replace the droids' parts, upgrade your equipment and install shields, scanners, minimaps and other useful features directly to the UI.

《困俘 2》是款风格迥异并且非常有野心的游戏,游戏中包含一个庞大的地图以及一些不同寻常的选择设计。
Captive 2 is a very exotic and ambitious game, with a massive scope and some very unusual design choices.
作为续作的《解放:困俘 2(Liberation: Captive 2, 1994)》确实是款有野心的游戏。本作中你将再次操纵四个机器人,你也必须前往一座暗藏杀机的未来城市并调查一宗谋杀案。这座城市是一个包含商店、图书馆、办公室、房屋等建筑的广阔开放世界。游戏还具有全 3D 图形、可定制的用户界面,并引入了与 NPC 交谈的能力,追求更多的和平方法。
Captive relies heavily on procedural generation. When you start the game, you first have to fly with a spaceship to one of the planets on your star map, land, locate an enemy base, enter, locate a space probe inside the base, destroy the generators and then run like hell. If you don't manage to get out in time, you'll die when the base explodes. The goal of the game is to do this ten more times, allowing you to free yourself.
If you succeed, you get the chance to start over again, and again and again. Hundreds of bases with countless procedurally generated levels, all sprung from the same seed to make sure every player sees the same sets of levels. This is both the game's greatest strength and weakness. Once you understand how the game constructs levels and even puzzles, you'll realise just how bare-bones and repetitive it is.
Playing Captive as a kid, that didn't bother me. What kept me going was seeing something new every base. New monsters, different tile graphics, more weapons, body parts and ingenious tech upgrades. That first run with 11 bases is quite fun and has enough to offer to overcome the simplistic gameplay. But after that it gets tedious.
The sequel, Liberation: Captive 2 (1994), was truly ambitious. Once again in charge of the four droids, you have to investigate a murder cover-up in a futuristic, hostile city. The city is massive – a sprawling open world with shops, libraries, offices, houses, etc. The game also featured fully 3D graphics, a customisable UI and introduced the ability to talk to NPCs, pursuing more peaceful approaches.
Still, just as with the first game, most of it was procedurally generated and, combined with the insanely large city, made for a game easy to admire for its ambition but hard to finish due to sheer size and lack of compelling, handcrafted content.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》中文翻译版版权说明