Thomas Biskup, 1994
Windows, MS-DOS, Amiga, Mac 和 Linux
Thomas Biskup, 1994
Windows, MS-DOS, Amiga, Mac and Linux

我很幸运能在上世纪 80 年代早期就拥有一台家用电脑。我也正是通过玩文字冒险游戏和 roguelike[1] 游戏学会了如何在电脑上阅读和打字。早期 roguelike 的高难度和复杂性使得它们在之后的数十年内都是我生活中的常客。《神秘古域(Ancient Domains of Mystery,ADOM)》就是其中对我来说意义最大的一部游戏。ADOM 的第一个版本问世于 1994 年。直到 2002 年这款游戏才停止更新。不过于十年之后的 2012 年,在成功的众筹之后,开发工作又恢复了。
在第一次玩《神秘古域》的时候,我感觉这个游戏在 roguelike 游戏和文字冒险游戏之间缺少一种联系。文字冒险游戏(早期的《魔域帝国(Zork)》和《巨洞冒险(Colossal Cave Adventure)》就是最经典的例子)会给你一种在探索真实场景的感觉:暗藏谜题的故事和充满足够谜题线索的屋子都暗示了屋外还有一个鲜活的世界。
《Rogue》,这个开创了 roguelike 风格游戏的鼻祖,意图用互动的方式来解决特定的问题。一旦你弄清了谜题的答案,你就不会有动力再玩一遍了(除了一种回到心爱的电影或小说中的舒适感之外)。
I was lucky enough to have a home computer in the early 80s. I learned how to read and type by playing interactive fiction games and roguelikes. The high difficulty and complexity of those early roguelikes means that many of them have been a fixture in my life for decades, and of those early roguelikes, ADOM (Ancient Domains of Mystery) has meant the most to me over the years. The first release of ADOM was in 1994, and development continued until 2002. In 2012, development resumed following a successful crowdfunding campaign.
The first time I played ADOM it felt like a missing connection between interactive fiction and roguelikes. Interactive fiction games (the early Zork games and Colossal Cave Adventure tend to be the most enduring examples) give you the feeling you're exploring real places: handwritten stories embroidered with puzzles, and rooms furnished with enough clues to solve those puzzles but written to suggest a lived-in world beyond that room.
Rogue, the game that gives ‘roguelikes' their name, was an attempt to solve a specific problem with interactive fiction: once you figured out the puzzles, there was little incentive to play them again (beyond the comfort of returning to a beloved film or novel).
Thomas Biskup 在 2012 年于众筹网站 Indiegogo 上发起了对于 ADOM “重生”的众筹。募集了 90,000 美元的资金用于游戏开发。
Thomas Biskup created an Indiegogo campaign in 2012 to fund a ‘rebirth’ of ADOM's development. It raised $90,000.

《神秘古域》包含 9 种可升级的属性和 40 种可训练的技能。同时,它还有一个腐蚀系统会招致随机的突变,例如腮或是酸性血液。
ADOM uses nine main stats and over 40 skills you can level up and train for, as well as a corruption system which incurs random mutations, such as gills or acid blood.
为解决这一问题,roguelike 游戏尝试把着眼点立足于过程生成技术:构建世界的任务被分解成算法,从而让玩家每次从头开始玩都会面对一个全新的地图。然而,为了创造出一个完美的“永恒”的游戏,大部分生成地图的工作都交给了那冷酷无情的过程生成算法来完成。
《神秘古域》从一开始就和别的 roguelike 游戏有很大不同:在玩家开始游玩之前,他们就会被邀请“开始一场明信片冒险”——在主菜单的一个选项里面列出了游戏开发者 Thomas Biskup 的家庭住址,并请求喜欢这个游戏的玩家寄给他一张明信片[2] 。这是一种在游戏设计中非常引人注目的交流方式,它在冰冷的程序里设立了一个与玩家交流的桥梁。
在创建角色的过程中,有 12 个种族和超过 20 种职业可供选择。当然,有些组合更加地强力,但是游戏允许你选择任何你想要的组合。与游戏《Rogue》类似的是你在创建人物的过程中所做的选择将会对游戏进行的方式产生重大影响。
一旦你创建好了角色,游戏会生成一段描述你的角色的成长经历的文章,里面包含和你所选的种族和职业有关的重大事件。这是一种绝妙的充实角色背景故事的方法,一些后来的 roguelikes 游戏复制了这一游戏机制并把它发扬光大。
在这之后,就是《神秘古域》让我爱上它的一点了。这个游戏并没有遵照正统 roguelike 游戏的设计把你丢到一个深不可测的地牢中:《神秘古域》让你直面安卡迪亚(Ancardia)的德拉卡洛晨山脉(Drakalor Chain),探索这世界充满洞穴、城镇和地牢的一隅。
The way that roguelikes tried to solve the problem was to focus on procedural generation: the task of world-building was collapsed into algorithms that would build it anew every time the player embarked on a new quest. However, in the quest to produce the perfect “forever” game, most of the world-building was given over to the cold thrashing jaws of procedural generation.
ADOM differentiates itself from other roguelikes right from the start: before players begin the game, they are invited to “Embark on the Postcard Adventure” – an option on the main menu that lists Thomas Biskup's home address with the simple request to send him a postcard if they enjoyed ADOM. It's a remarkably human gesture in a genre of game that established itself as a vector for cold machine logic.
During character creation, there are 12 races and over 20 classes to choose from. Certainly, some combinations are more effective than others, but the game will let you pick any combination you want. In keeping with the concerns that motivated Rogue, the choices you make during character creation will have a major impact on how the game plays out.
Once you've created your character, a short passage describing your upbringing is generated, populated with some events that relate to your race and class. It's a brilliant way to prime players, something that later roguelikes would replicate and build upon to great effect.
After this, ADOM does what made me fall in love with it, something that cut against the established orthodoxy of roguelikes up until that point: ADOM drops you right into the mountainous Drakalor Chain of the world of Ancardia; not the top floor of an astonishingly deep dungeon, but a whole corner of the world, full of caves and towns and dungeons.
1 译者注:roguelikes 游戏,即类 rogue 游戏。属于 RPG(角色扮演游戏)的一个子类。他是对于模仿地牢探索游戏《rogue》的游戏风格的所开发的游戏的一个统称。
2 译者注:这个任务可以在游戏主菜单的手册选项(manual)里找到。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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