Limbic Entertainment, 2014
Windows 和 Mac
Limbic Entertainment, 2014
Windows and Mac

在 《魔法门 9(Might and Magic IX)》于 2002 年销量惨败之后,Ubisoft 买下了这个系列并持续制作了几款《魔法门之英雄无敌(Heroes of Might and Magic)》游戏以及《黑暗弥赛亚(Dark Messiah,2006)》这类旁支作品——但从来没有再制作主要的 RPG 系列。
然而在 2011 年,《魔岩山传说(Legend of Grimrock)》出乎意料地大火。受此影响,Limbic Entertainment 一群热情的开发者向 Ubisoft 提议复活一款老派 RPG,这就是《魔法门 10:遗产(Might and Magic X - Legacy)》。
游戏以创建 4 人小队开始,玩家可以选择人类(Human)、精灵(Elf)、矮人(Dwarf)和兽人(Orc)四个种族,每个种族都有三种独特的职业。本作延续了系列传统,你可以雇佣至多两位 NPC 为你提供被动增益,学习额外技能,以及通过完成特殊任务来获得职业晋升。
After the failure of Might and Magic IX in 2002, Ubisoft bought the series and kept making Heroes of Might and Magic games and spin-offs like Dark Messiah of Might and Magic (2006) – but never returned to the main RPG series.
However, the unexpected popularity of Legend of Grimrock in 2011 led to passionate developers at Limbic Entertainment to propose to Ubisoft an old-school RPG revival: Might and Magic X - Legacy.
You begin by creating a party of four heroes, choosing from Humans, Elves, Dwarves and Orcs, each with three unique classes. Faithful to the series, you can later hire up to two NPCs to help you with passive bonuses, learn additional skills and perform special quests to earn a class promotion.
《魔法门 10》只有一个 DLC,名为《猎鹰与独角兽(Falcon & Unicorn)》。这个 DLC 在通关后添加了一个新的地下城。进入这个地下城时你的队伍中所有的高级装备都会被取走,而且这里也比核心游戏部分难很多。
M&M X only got one DLC, entitled The Falcon & The Unicorn. It adds a post-game dungeon that strips your party of all its high-level gear, and is much harder than the core game.

The game offers a segmented open world with some gorgeous vistas. The day-and-night cycle also plays a role in some puzzles.

You’ll collect several rare relics and artefacts, as well as blessings that allow you to enter previously unreachable areas.
令人惊讶的是,《魔法门 10》放弃了从《魔法门 6》到《魔法门 9》所使用的自由 3D 移动,转而采用了老式的网格移动系统,你的队伍要一格一格地移动。虽然采用了这种地下城探险式的游戏方式,本作的特色却是开放的世界,你可以探索城镇、丛林乃至山脉。
在探索世界时你会遇到怪物、支线任务、商人、支线地下城、秘密、谜题以及系列惯例的导师 NPC,你得靠这些 NPC 来提升技能层级。
秉持回归老派风格的野心,这一作还把战斗方式改回了回合制。本作的战斗极具挑战,你需要掌握大量的技能、法术和状态效果,这让《魔法门 10》可能是系列中最具战术挑战的一款作品——尽管过于依赖不公平的突袭这点十分恼人。
从画面效果来看,整个游戏的预算非常有限。游戏复用了相当多《魔法门之英雄无敌 6》的素材,结果就是你能同时看到优美的风景和非常糟糕的贴图。不过从整体上来看,在不同区域和环境中的探索体验还是很令人满意的。
不幸的是,游戏的优化非常差,这导致游玩过程中会频繁出现帧数降低和不少显示问题,另外游戏还有不少恼人的 bug。Ubisoft 的 Uplay 商店和侵入性 DRM [1] 防盗版机制更是雪上加霜。
总的来说,《魔法门 10:遗产》是一款不错的,而且老派得令人震惊的 RPG。可以很明显地看出这是一部由系列粉丝所开发的作品,它有着现代的易用性改善,但同时也具备高难度和复杂的系统。不幸的是,本作销量惨淡,于是 Ubisoft 终止了后续开发,续作更是遥遥无期。
Surprisingly, M&M X abandons the free 3D movement of M&M VI to IX, replacing it for a very old-school grid-based system, with the party moving square-by-square. In spite of this dungeon crawler-ish gameplay, the game features an open world, with towns, forests and mountains to explore.
Compared with other open-world titles, it's closer to Gothic than Skyrim, as you can wander freely (some road blocks aside), but enemies in certain areas will tear inexperienced parties apart.
While exploring the world you'll come across monsters, side-quests, merchants, optional dungeons, secrets, puzzles and the series' usual trainer NPCs, which are necessary to improve your skill tier.
In line with its old-school ambitions, the game also returns to turn-based combat. Battles can be very challenging, and there's plenty of skills, spells and status effects to handle, making M&M X arguably the most tactical game in the series, despite a rather annoying over-reliance on unfair ambushes.
From a graphical point of view, the whole game was built on a tight budget, reusing many assets from Heroes of Might and Magic VI. And it shows, alternating very pleasant landscapes with really bad textures. On the whole, however, exploring the various areas and environments is a satisfying experience.
Unfortunately, the game is very badly optimised, leading to frequent frame rate drops and graphical issues, plus other annoying bugs. Ubisoft's Uplay store and invasive DRM can also be a hassle.
Overall, Might and Magic X - Legacy is a good and surprisingly old-school RPG. Clearly developed by fans of the series, it offers modern accessibility improvements, but also high difficulty and complex systems. Sadly, it sold poorly, so Ubisoft pulled the plug and another sequel is unlikely.
1 译者注:DRM 指 Digital Rights Management,数字版权管理,是一种防盗版机制。《魔法门 10》中采用了在线验证的方式,2021 年 6 月 Ubisoft 关闭《魔法门 10》在线服务曾导致了无法游玩的问题,但已于同年 10 月修复。
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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