ZA/UM, 2019
Windows, Xbox One, PS5, Switch等
ZA/UM, 2019
Windows, Xbox One, PS5, Switch, etc

电脑 RPG 游戏已经发展了 40 年,玩家和开发商似乎都已经达成共识,共同制定了不言而喻的规则:我们的游戏中应该有高难度的战斗、冗长的对话、邪恶的反派、装满的宝箱、亟待拯救的世界,并且完全不需要加入任何政治元素。很长一段时间里,这项铁律运转良好。
然后,以上所有预期都被 2019 年发售的《极乐迪斯科》(Disco Elysium)给打破了。
《极乐迪斯科》由爱沙尼亚艺术家团队制作,玩起来就像是一款传统的等距视角 CRPG,要素齐全,有队友、对话文本、待解的谜题、待搜索的宝箱和精美的手绘背景。但和别的经典 RPG 游戏比起来,本作有一点显要的不同之处:我们的主角是人类中的一个彻头彻尾的失败者。他是一名阴郁的酒鬼警探,头天晚上在一家破败的沿海小旅馆里喝得烂醉,结果他失忆了,衣物也不知所踪,导致他不得不拼尽全力来解开一桩简单的谋杀案。
After 40 years of computer role-playing adventures, players and developers alike firmly believed in an unspoken set of rules: games were supposed to feature challenging fights, verbose dialogues, sinister villains, treasure chests, a world in need of saving, and no political statements of any kind. For a while, it worked pretty well.
And then, the release of Disco Elysium in 2019 shattered all of these expectations.
Created by a team of Estonian artists, Disco Elysium plays like a traditional isometric CRPG, complete with companions, dialogues, mysteries to solve, containers to search, and beautiful hand-painted landscapes. What's mainly different from other classic role-playing games is that the hero is a giant failure of a human being. He's a loony, alcoholic cop, who struggles to solve a simple murder case because of a massive hangover that left him grasping for his memory – and his clothing – in a dingy coastal hotel.
This odd starting point allows Disco Elysium to rely almost entirely on fascinating conversations, eccentric scenes, and embarrassing interactions: in just the first minutes, you may quarrel with a mirror, die when retrieving your tie from the ceiling fan, and clumsily attempt to seduce another hotel guest, all while trying to remember your own name and job.
《极乐迪斯科:最终剪辑版》(The Final Cut)是 2021 年为本作发行的扩充内容,其中添加了完整配音、新的任务和额外的游戏音轨。
The Final Cut is an enhanced version of the game released in 2021. It adds full voice acting, new quests and an expanded soundtrack.

Disco Elysium’s has a small area to explore, but it’s filled with characters, objects and scenes that lead to long talks between them, you, your partner, and the voices in your head.
《极乐迪斯科》优秀的文案并不是它唯一的优点。当然了,本作文笔优异、妙趣横生,而且它的剧情主旨(你是个废物,但你得当警探)颇为新颖,不像从古至今的其他 RPG 那样,全是拯救世界的情节。但本作的对话真正吸引人的地方在于技能的干扰。《极乐迪斯科》中,你的 24 种技能都可以随时开口打断你正在进行的对话,或针对当下的事件提出他们自己的看法,或给出略显可疑的建议。
这种创新的机制颠覆了玩家在 RPG 游戏中对话的体验,让选了不同技能的角色都能获得独特的互动。例如,“博学多闻(Encyclopedia)”技能会在对话中插嘴来解释历史背景,而“钢筋铁骨(Endurance)”则会催促你……接纳法西斯主义。显而易见,有些时候你压根不该听从你脑内这些声音的胡言乱语,否则可能会见到一些戏剧性的展开。
不过,就算你任务失败,或是你不知怎么把自己的状态搞得更糟了,你也不必像玩别的 CRPG 游戏那样急着回去读档。在本作中,失败会为你敲开新的大门,你的角色可能会因此获得尝试新事物的机会,经历不可思议的事件(比如主角可能会把手枪含在嘴里来威胁某位嫌疑人,称如果对方不开口交代的话他就自杀)——直接读档的话,这么重要的一段经历就要被抹掉了。
小心了:《极乐迪斯科》的角色会记得你曾经说过的话。如果你还想以警察的身份审讯某人的话,那也许就不要说你的名字叫“毁灭的先驱”,或者让他们看到你唱卡拉 OK 大失败。但从另一方面来说,谁知道呢?也许如果他们同情你的话,事情就会变得更简单。
There's an enormous amount of joy to be found here, while you frantically steer your character away from madness or take a dive into chaos, making good use of outlandish dialogue options.
It's not just that Disco Elysium is well written. Sure, it's really pleasant to read, often hilarious, and the themes it explores (being a loser, investigating a police case) are refreshing after decades of a save-the-world routine in other RPGs. But the main draw of the dialogues are the skills, because in Disco Elysium, each and every one of your 24 skills can and will interrupt your conversations to voice their own opinion on the matter at hand or give dubious advice.
This new and original way to experience conversations in RPGs rewards every character build with unique interactions, like when the Encyclopedia skill interjects to explain historical facts, or when Endurance urges you to... convert to fascism. Obviously, it's not always a good idea to listen to those voices in your head, as it can lead to dramatic consequences.
However, failing a task or proving to be even more of a loser is never grounds for reloading the previous game save, like it would be in other CRPGs. Here, failure opens new doors instead of closing them, allowing the character to try new things and to experience situations so incredible (like when he puts his gun in his mouth and threatens to kill himself if a suspect doesn't talk) that they feel too important to just discard them by reloading the game.
Be careful though: characters in the Disco Elysium remember what you said to them, and it might be difficult to question them as a cop if you previously told them your name was “harbinger of doom” or if they have seen you fail horribly at karaoke. On the other hand, who knows? It might sometimes be easier if people pity you.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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