Event Horizon Software, 1993
MS-DOS, FM Towns 和 PC-98
Event Horizon Software, 1993
MS-DOS, FM Towns and PC-98

恶魔禁地(黑暗之幕 / Veil of Darkness)是一款奇怪的游戏,玩家扮演一位失事坠毁在偏僻的罗马尼亚边境的货运飞行员。在被当地男爵的女儿救下后,玩家很快就意识到想离开这座山谷是不可能的,一个叫做凯伦(Kairn)的邪恶吸血鬼用雾气魔法封锁了这片区域,游戏因此而得名。
Veil of Darkness is an odd game. You play as a cargo pilot whose plane suddenly crashes in a remote Romanian region. Saved by the daughter of a local baron, you quickly realise that leaving the valley is out of the question. Indeed, an evil vampire called Kairn magically sealed the region using mist, hence the name Veil of Darkness.
The good news is that an ancient prophecy foretold your arrival, nominating you as the “chosen one”.
《恶魔禁地》发售后,Event Horizon 将公司名字改为了 DreamForge Intertainment。
After releasing Veil of Darkness, Event Horizon changed the company's name to DreamForge Intertainment.

The dialogue system uses both highlighted keywords and a text parser.

战斗是实时的,需要点击手中的武器来进行,这是《暗黑破坏神(Diablo)》与《迷宫魔兽 / 地牢大师(Dungeon Master)》的奇怪结合。你的血量靠一具棺材中的尸体显示。
Combat is realtime and based on clicking on the weapons in your hands – an odd mix of Diablo and Dungeon Master. Your health is measured by a body in a coffin.
尽管《恶魔禁地》在发售时被当作 RPG,但它最终更像是一款冒险游戏。你可以不费吹灰之力地打倒一群敌人,大多数 Boss 和特殊的敌人都是被美化的解谜。事实上,战斗是实时的,而且不难,前提是你拥有合适的武器。和恐怖故事的设定相同,每个怪物的弱点都对应着特定种类的武器。移动和战斗通过点击进行,具有浓浓的《暗黑破坏神(Diablo)》味道。
简单来说,《恶魔禁地》是一款伟大的冒险游戏,但不是一款好的 RPG。这款游戏是 Event Horizon 最后一次试图融合两个类型的尝试,随后,他们便继续开发传统的 CRPG 游戏,以及点击操作的《疯人院》(Sanitarium,1998)。但出于优秀的剧情以及《鸦阁魔域》风格,我仍然推荐《恶魔禁地》这款游戏。
Your task in the game is to fulfil the prophecy stanza by stanza (it's a HUGE pamphlet), following it almost as a quest log, to learn the tragic tale of Kairn and eventually kill him.
Your biggest allies are in a camp of mysterious gypsies, acting as advisers and healers. The story feels unique, the dialogues are well-done and the gothic atmosphere itself is gripping. If you are half the nerd as I am, you're already screaming “dark lord, gypsies, fog: RAVENLOFT!” Too bad that the generic protagonist feels out of place with his lack of personality and outrageous yellow jacket.
Even if it's sold as an RPG, Veil of Darkness is more like an adventure game in the end. It's possible to smash hordes of enemies without breaking a sweat and most of the bosses or special enemies are glorified puzzles. Indeed, combat is in real time but not very difficult, that is IF you possess the right weapon. Like in every horror story, each monster is weak to a certain type of weaponry. Movement and combat are solved through clicking, giving serious Diablo vibes.
Before dealing with Kairn directly, various tasks given to you by villagers and linked to the prophecy must be dealt with: hunting down a werewolf, curing a child from madness, laying a ghost to rest, etc... Progression is left to the player's freedom but lack of certain key objects or weapons tend to limit your options. Quests are solved through specific actions, chain of dialogue or just getting a unique item. It's not rocket science but some thinking might be required.
In a nutshell, Veil of Darkness is a great adventure game but not really a good RPG. It was Event Horizon's last attempt to mix both genres, as they went back to make more orthodox CRPGs and the excellent point-and-click Sanitarium. Still, I would recommend it for the nice story and the Ravenloft vibes.
《电脑 RPG 游戏史(The CRPG Book Project)》原书信息
英文原版主编:Felipe Pepe
授权协议:知识共享 署名-非商业性使用 4.0 国际许可协议 (CC BY-NC 4.0)
这本书历时四年,由 119 名志愿者共同完成。
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